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Everything posted by sebi.zzr

  1. I had a similar idea that didn't work back then,but i'm glad it's finally sorted out.
  2. From Mk3 parts,only the ramp has center of pressure and lift offset,not mass.
  3. -44 i can't play this game,but i'm optimistic
  4. @BigD,Welcome to the forum.You need to provide more data if you want anyone to help you.
  5. I'm not telepathic,so i don't really know what you're looking for.
  6. Yes of course.You can create your own agency,Look in ...\KSP_win64\GameData\Squad\Agencies for examples.
  7. @sskacy,welcome to the forum,you can check this to see if fulfils your needs:
  8. Maybe the mod that removes the resource could go :BEFORE,if there is no resource,then patch is not applied,or when this is allowed all the mods will need to respect the rule.But i'm !moder|!coder[through my eyes it was a simple solution] and i do understand the dependencies you need to consider. Sometimes i envy you your knowledge,but i'm also happy for that you have it.
  9. They are combination of many and some personal recolor to match. I've been migrating these for so long from release to release,that i really can't tell,from where i got all the parts.But i can assure you they're all linked in OP.
  10. Yes i saw that,that's why i asked. MM can look in any *.cfg(for edit),but can't find the subfolder.I was searching for solution to the problem that @linuxgurugamer has,so my closest working patch was: PROPELLANT { name = #$@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[FSCoolant]/name$ ratio = 0.01 } it gets applied correctly,but if i remove Firespitter/Resources/Firespitter.cfg,i get error on the loading screen,and PROPELLANT:NEEDS[@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[FSCoolant] does not apply patch at all. Thank you for clarification.
  11. One brief question,if MM can: @RESOURCE_DEFINITION[name] { stuf } why it can't: :NEEDS[@RESOURCE_DEFINITION[name]] ?
  12. Pretty much like this,but it's all described in first two posts in this thread.
  13. Hello and welcome to forum. In space center view,press "Esc",go to settings and click "Difficulty Options".Under "Advanced",uncheck "Resource Transfer Obeys Crossfeed Rules".
  14. It does,but you need the latest version of SmokeScreen.
  15. Try the latest dev build:https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/MechJeb2-Dev/
  16. You need to rename your folder from "Asteroid Day for Kerbal Space Program 1.2" to "AsteroidDay".
  17. It's hard to say why is not working for you,because is working for me just fine.Did you install ModuleManager and can you upload your "ModuleManager.ConfigCache"?
  18. "TemperatureModifier" is float curve not a single number. TemperatureModifier { key = 0 100000 key = 750 50000 key = 1000 10000 key = 1250 500 key = 2000 50 key = 4000 0 }
  19. Every competition has its rewards,what's yours?
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