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Everything posted by sebi.zzr

  1. Hello@linuxgurugamer,is there any specific reason why is there icon showing in map view,fight scene and tracking station? I disabled "Toolbar Enabled",and the icon was gone,but still present in tracking station and after 2h of play and few reverts the icon start showing everywhere again.
  2. The mod is called Texture Replacer and there's release that works in 1.2.2:https://github.com/RangeMachine/TextureReplacer/releases
  3. @Voodoo8648,this is normal behavior of solar panels,farther you are from the sun,less energy they produce.
  4. I never thought of that,because i always enable "hidden folders" and "file extensions" as soon i install my OS.
  5. Actually its stock feature. Either you can go in every engines *.cfg and remove "//" for the model to appear or use this MM patch.
  6. I don't know if you all playing without mods,but in the meantime check these two little ones RecoverAll/DestroyAll.
  7. @Numberyellow, @Racescort666 Try to look in: C:\Users\"name"\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program If your AppData is hidden just type(copy/paste) the following in search bar: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal space Program
  8. @Feladris,when using mods is highly recommended to run the game as X64.The other thing is,which version of KSP are you using,how did you install your mods and are all the mods compatible with the current version of the game? For start remove "active texture manager" and "crossfeed enabler",those two are obsolete in 1.2.x versions.I'm not sure about FAR ,but it was last updated for 1.1.3.
  9. from 1.2.x the right syntax is @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[FlagDecal],!name[flag]]:Final { @MODULE[FlagDecal] { flagDisplayed = False } }
  10. @Xyphos,i'm not aware of any mod that can do what you asking for,but in the meantime,download this plugin and add MODULE { name = ModuleTestWeight minMass = 0.01 maxMass = 1000 } to any(or all) part you want to change dry mass.After selecting part in editor,right click and select "toggle window",UI will pop out,where you can select the dry mass you want. The mod adds feature to manipulate height and diameter of parts too,but you dont need to use that.
  11. @DunaRocketeer,the parts should be fine,as far as .cfg structure goes(you need to respect the specific path of the part),because there were no major difference from 1.0 to 1.0.5.I can't remember correctly,but i think you would need to convert .dds textures to .png. On another note,why you don't use 1.0.5,or you use 0.90?
  12. Hello,@artemis.sotnikov12 and welcome to the forum.Liquid fuel engines do not require any electric charge to work,unless they are in fact some sort of hybrid engines.Therefore please read and provide more information:
  13. That doesn't mean,that you can't use use MJ.Just download the "dev build".
  14. @PART[liquidEngine1-2]:AFTER[Squad] { @EFFECTS { @Thrust { @AUDIO { @clip = mysounds/sounds/rumble_large @volume = 1.0 1.0 @volume = 1.0 1.0 @pitch = 1.0 1.0 @pitch = 1.0 1.0 } } } }
  15. I've been using those as long as they been released with stock "ModuleGenerator",also i have texture for the small one that looks like this. You can PM me if you want it.
  16. acronyms are used from experienced player,for example MM and MJ or RT.It's all matter of learning curve,by that i mean,a lot of reading and monitoring the forum. some more: FS-Firespitter OPM-Outer Planets Mod FAR-Ferram Aerospace Research CRP-Community Resource Pack TCA-Throttle Controlled Avionics DRE-Deadly Reentry SVE-Stock Visual Enhancements EVE-EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements MM-Module Manager RT-Remotetech ...
  17. I'm not steam user,i downloaded game from store. EDIT:I heard that Windows don't like .dlls to be installed in Program Files or in Documents,so i tried again and put everything in C:\Games\KSP_win64 with no avail.
  18. The batteries in stack,get filed with only so much EC that the command module with generator has it.
  19. For some reason this is not working for me.At first i thought there is a conflict with another mod,but i tried with fresh install (stock,veselemover,MM and simple logistic),with no avail.i get the UI,but not the option for "plug into network". KSP.log:http://pastebin.com/SNt5VNxM
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