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Everything posted by theattackcorgi

  1. False The user below me is someone ive seen here before.
  2. But Stanley knew perfectly well these buttons wouldn't do anything yet he continued pushing them.
  3. Banned for posting a nightmare fuel picture that didnt scare me
  4. Banned for not giving a reacton to the nightmare fuel picture that didnt scare me but mabey you.
  5. Granted, but your computer runs so well it blows up I wish that society wasnt forcing me to watch MLP *grumbles about continuing the series*
  6. True The user below me will explain what they mean by related episode. There is a cannon episode...... for that.......
  7. It worked out well. My heads clear and now its full of hatred at mrpample. And wow mrpample you are a psycho
  8. Semi victory. Front of zekes ship blow up. you cant function with no solar panels Zeke i await your turn of blowing my ship up and setting another up somewhere else No photos as my steams being a ass but look at the persistance. I blew up 3 diffrent ships with incorrect hyperedit and blah http://www./?kx8s7le81ehhr6e
  9. Flees the scen with SCP-197(6?)(i think(troll doll i think) in hot pursut suddenly i turn around with desert eagle shoot it and claim its corpse as my hill my hill
  10. Banned for being in Austria not Australia.
  11. Waiting for the slow release of death. the space kraken decides to be ironic.
  12. Well done, android. The Enrichment Center once again reminds you that Android Hell is a real place where you will be sent at the first sign of defiance.
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