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Everything posted by theattackcorgi

  1. False The user below me will explain why zekes wasnt here.
  2. How can i put a missile on a plane without a mod. I cant find a small enough booster or figure out how to build a big enough plane
  3. the song i put? or yours. I guessed yours
  4. True The user below me knows why zekes wasnt on today.
  5. nope. I knew your song and knew mine without google, now are you gonna guess or what?
  6. True ifit will shut you up The user below me will explain the Gpu war and then stop asking about it.
  7. To land on Jool you have to exit your spacecraft and eva into it.
  8. False The user below me is a FF fan.
  9. False Stop asking about Gpu and green and red The user below me has landed on the sun and survived.(in ksp)
  10. Awoken :3 Cause i know everythin Everybody stutters one way or the other So check out my message to you As a matter of fact Don't let nothing hold you back If the scatman can do it So can you
  11. False(and i dont think anyone will know if you ask it again) The user below me wishes everyone was a brony.
  12. Im a Hipster Wow-playing Ninja Corgi IN SPAAAAACE!!!
  13. Banned cause I was referring to TF2 Doctor.
  14. False(stop asking that please) the user below me knows what Lucy Kick is.
  15. I ninja'd you already there is a new one look up at my previous post.
  16. ok btw your suppost to give me the persistence file not the craft. and il destroy it from a guided missle from the island runway.
  17. Well here we are again, its always such a pleasure. remeber how you tried to kill me twice? Edit: and by the way the song is from Bleach.
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