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Everything posted by captainradish

  1. Ehh, that's a better reply than "f**k off! It's designed that way for a reason, dammit!"
  2. Can we get a version of this with the Kerbin setup mission like the moon missions (eg. coverage rather than specific design)? I'm asking because I am a completionist and cannot stand skipping the tutorial mission, but I also tend to launch my comsats in a Molniya style orbit rather than equatorial. I cannot stand it when my satellite pattern starts breaking up.
  3. I had the exact same problem and traced it to tweakscale. Removing that allowed the panels to go into the containers.
  4. Remotetech is fun, but damn does it require a lot of infrastructure. I've gotten pretty good at setting up Molniya orbits, though.
  5. Glad to be of help. My current campaign I'm still launching cheap com satellites.
  6. There's a Tantares fairing collection on CKAN. I don't remember what it's called, though. Edit: it's called Tantares Fairing Extension and it's here:
  7. I did find this picture of a V-2. It makes me wonder if KSP in general is too grey.
  8. Slightly off topic, but I have wondered for a while: where did the name Tantares come from?
  9. I highly suspect it's either some kind of mod issue or a side-effect of running the RAM too high. It doesn't happen to me every time and it seems to change depending on what mods I do or do not have installed.
  10. It's a bit more subtle. It's not like flying a giant christmas tree or the Eiffel tower or the statue of liberty.
  11. I kind-of like the Proton the way it is. It's a good alternative to the N-1 as a mun rocket.
  12. I'm not having crashing issues myself. The problem I AM having is that when I load a rocket for launch the game will basically freeze up. The time reads something like year 99 and no ship materializes on the pad for launch. I can click any button, but the keyboard does nothing, thus I cannot escape to the main menu. It will basically sit like that forever using up my PCs CPU. It's weird.
  13. You cannot (as far as I can tell) downgrade to 1.1. Last stable release (at least for me) doesn't seem to do anything other than run 1.1.1. You CAN install the 1.1 prerelease still.
  14. I love the audacity that is the N1 and really wish it could have flown. However, it was probably the correct decision to kill this launcher as it had four *major* failures in a row.
  15. It's a good collection of parts, don't get me wrong. However, it's all thrown at you at the same time. Any way we can get this pack a bit more spread out? It's also possible that due to the sheer number of parts it's simply me getting overloaded due to not paying attention to the tech tree, so if they are already distributed well, you can ignore me.
  16. I use CTT, so this is certainly of interest to me. What I can think of off the top of my head is we need the lower section of the Soyuz rocket, a radial decoupler (Beale, what happened to the long one you had, btw? It was great!), and the 1.25m fairing available at the same time as the Sputnik probe. Of course, it may be easier to just move the Sputnik to tier 3 rather, but I would prefer moving the probe's launcher to tier 2.
  17. I would argue that several parts come too late in the tree. In particular, there REALLY needs a launch vehicle that corresponds to the Sputnik probe.
  18. I love this mod and I love the fact that it actually gives me a reason to use a multi-manned lander. I couldn't justify the additional weight in the past.
  19. I was just being silly. I really really want an alternative to the decadent Saturn-V. Currently I use a Proton to spread socialism to the Mun.
  20. Does the N1 actually take off? If so, it's colossally OP. I expect future N1s to at best fly to the top of the launch tower then explode. We're talking realism here, people!
  21. Just the simple fact that it doesn't explode on the launchpad makes it a bit OP.
  22. I have installed Tantares many many times via CKAN and have never had any issues with it at all. I suspect the latter bullet to be more likely.
  23. CKAN has always worked properly (for me) in the past. I'm curious why you don't recommend it.
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