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Everything posted by captainradish

  1. Octagonal for sure. The oddball third landing strut would royally f*** with my sense of design. I may honestly never use an otherwise wonderful part because the landing leg looks off-kilter. Perhaps if you made two versions: a hexagonal smaller one with three legs and an octagonal larger one with four? Kind-of like the in-game hex/octo cores.
  2. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out. I've been running both TAC and Manifest at the same time and it just seems a bit silly. Edit: CKAN has the 1.6 version already, btw.
  3. I apologize if this has been asked before, but is there any way we can get a version that acts similarly to how TAC fuel balancer works? Meaning, I am wanting something that can automatically transfer from tank to tank without me having to manually pump stuff. Is this possible now and I'm just not seeing it? Edit: I want to make it clear Ship Manifest is excellent and something I use all the time.
  4. Yes, exactly! Thanks a lot. Unfortunately contracts go straight to hell with this mod. Oh well.
  5. I ran across a mod a little while back that redesigned the solar system. One of the primary things I remember about it was that Kerbin was made into a moon of Jool. Can someone help me figure out what mod I'm thinking of? Google hasn't been much help.
  6. Honestly that's a good answer. I hate being patient, though. I want it NOW! Can it be ready for me after work tomorrow? Yea...that'd be great.
  7. Ok, I am getting stupidly frustrated and I'm hoping someone can help me here. I'm running Realism Overhaul via CKAN and it is absolutely refusing to load. I had it working fine earlier, but after removing remotetech it apparently decided I wasn't a bad enough dude to launch rockets. It keeps getting stuck somewhere during loading of procedural parts. Here's a link to the ksp.log from the last time it got stuck: [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/b0364280iga72ig/KSP.log?dl=0[/url] I appreciate any help. I much prefer antennarange to remotetech and don't particularly want to install it again, although I cannot conceive of what the issue may be.
  8. I kind-of liked the V2 myself, although I never used it beyond the "Launch our first vessel" and "Gather scientific data from Kerbin."
  9. Is there any way we can get this post stickied rather than the current one concerning RT2? It is FAR more complete: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82785-0-90-Kerbin-Side-v0-41-Go-For-Multi-Launch!?p=1628784#post1628784
  10. I for one would also like to see the later Soviet launch vehicles. The Energia comes to mind...perhaps even a version without a nosecone. Edit: having looked further into the Energia (while I was waiting on one of my capsules to splash down) I stumbled across this page: http://www.nss.org/settlement/moon/LUNOX.html. One of the photos is of an Energia being used with an unmanned upper stage being used to launch a lunar base. Highly interesting.
  11. It looks good, but is there a "light" version that just re-arranges parts? I like the idea a lot, but I don't want to eliminate American-style parts. Edit: of course, I can simply remove the removed parts from the .cfg.
  12. Have you considered either moving the Soyuz rocket to basic rocketry or adding a lighter version for the Vostok-style capsule? I like having historically accuratish missions and can't bring myself to launch my Vostok mission with anything other than the proper rocket. However, advanced rocketry takes a little bit to unlock when you're not willing to fly manned missions until you can launch a proper Vostok.
  13. I cannot get the game to start unless I have the AMD compatibility mode turned on. If it's not turned on in the launcher the game crashes on load. I don't know if this is possibly due to a mod, but I don't think so as it runs fine with the AMD compatibility mode turned on. What I find especially odd is that I am using an NVIDIA card. This is not a particularly big deal, I just primarily want to know what the AMD compatibility mode does and why it may be affecting my game.
  14. Is there any mod that adds parts to Gigantic and Colossal rocketry? Those and Resource Exploitation are the only three parts of the techtree that don't unlock something for me.
  15. One other issue I'm having: the Zond tank (the tank with the integrated generator) has a couple issues. Namely, the generator doesn't use any resources and it starts the launch active. I'm sure it's a mod conflict, but I have no idea what would cause it. Any ideas?
  16. It seems to be some kind of bug as it acts like there is absolutely nothing connecting the two pieces. I'll give KJR a try. I meant to install it anyway.
  17. I'm having an issue with the Gemini style craft. I have attached a g-750 to a 2.5m tank, but it refuses to stay connected. As soon as the craft finishes loading, the whole vehicle comes apart into two pieces, the capsule and the g-750, and everything else. I don't have any problems with any other parts (so far) except that one. Anyone have any ideas?
  18. I'm having an issue where the deltav window doesn't appear when I select it in the VAB. Is anyone else having this problem?
  19. I second, third, and fourth this. Tantares has my favorite capsules hands down.
  20. Is there any kind of walkthrough or whatnot (other than the wiki)? I ask because I am experimenting with the plasma engines in sandbox and I cannot make a vacuum plasma engine work worth a damn. I have been able to generate a max of about 0.04 thrust. Am I missing something somewhere? I cannot come up with any way of generating 25gw that the 1.25 meter engine maxes out at.
  21. I have been on a hiatus from KSP for a little while and just recently got back into playing. I just want to post a great big thank you for building a Vostok and it's accompanying rocket! I also think it's awesome you're willing to listen to the forums and use my ideas (the Vostok itself and *apparently* integrating with station science. Before I felt the need to use HGR (for the spherical capsule), Bobcat's rockets (for the Soyuz), and Tantares (because it was awesome). Now, I only have to download Tantares! The other two mods were good, but annoyed me for various reasons. Bobcat was getting old and hadn't been updated, besides being somewhat proprietary. HGR had its own obnoxious scale (1.65 meters or something) and seriously OP rockets. So, again, thanks for all your hard work! Mod makers don't get enough praise, I think.
  22. It has to be some kind of mod conflict, I think. I'm having exactly the same issue. Only on my end I can't get the Regolith extractor to work either. It displays status: no resource data and obstinately refuses to do anything useful. The Jaw just says "status: no info."
  23. BTW, you probably don't get much credit for troubleshooting and fixing problems when new versions come out and probably don't get enough credit for Mechjeb in general. All I can say is keep up the good work! Mechjeb is a wonderful add-on and the only single add-on to be installed with my ksp every single time I wipe my install and re-install it. Mechjeb is always the first. It makes KSP play in a way that's fun for me. I love it and always have.
  24. Parts mods seem to work just fine. I'm running FASA and a handful of others which seem to work properly. The only one I'm having issues with is Mechjeb. It also won't do the final burn on ascent, but I think that's related to the missing maneuvering.
  25. I'm having an issue where mostly everything works properly, but my maneuver planner window is missing. When I click on the button it just opens a little tiny square with nothing in it. I am running pure stock with just Mechjeb (installed from page 1) installed and nothing else.
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