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Everything posted by OtherDalfite

  1. I doubt it. We don't have moon-size testing means to make these conditions. I don't really see why we would need to though, as it's easy to understand that denser = stronger gravitational pull.
  2. I don't think radiation works the way you think it does.
  3. Yeah, downloading archives is pretty good. I've got a good 20 gb worth of ISS/Shuttle/Mir/Satellite images, though I don't think any normal hosting website would allow me to put them up. Kil: I sincerely hope you are joking. Also, link up! Right here!
  4. I wouldn't call it a necro, he provided quality content and there is nothing from keeping this challenge from continuing on.
  5. I have quite a few Apollo images. Would you guys like me to post a link to an album of them?
  6. Oh wow, haven't seen this thread in a long time. I guess if people are still contributing to it, I see no need for it to be locked.
  7. Well, even then, we exhibit those in our minds as well. Basically rough estimates. We calculate the amount of force needed to throw a baseball 20 feet, as well as how to efficiently cut corners to save time. We also calculate trajectories as to the baseball situation (ie: arc, roll, possible catching). Since we play the Kerbals, I guess you could say our minds are one in the same.
  8. Don't worry, you're not dumb. It's looks to be an SAS or ASAS module from maybe KSPX or some other mod pack. I'm not quite sure.
  9. I would definitely say this, people starve themselves of entertainment and save their hunger for only KSP. Rather than find other things to do while updates are being worked on, they sit and hope that tomorrow will bring something to do. When an update doesn't deliver a whole lot of playable content, or the occasional bug, this leads to mass dissapointment and instability as people are essentially "taunted". This taunting isn't really anyones fault but the player, as they need to find other games to play in the meantime or pick up a hobby.
  10. Well, we presume the laws of physics without thinking about it. (IE: when we refer to lazy people). They won't move unless a force acts upon them, whether it be their own will or some outside force. Probably the toughest law to grasp by pure common sense would be the first law, that an object in motion will stay in motion as we who move things are under the force of gravity, as well as surrounded by an atmosphere to slow things down. If you came up to a child and told them that, they'd probably call you crazy and say the object would just fall down, because they haven't gotten the information about zero-friction and all that scientific knoweledge. But I don't see why Kerbals couldn't use that as an instinct, as I'm only comparing what you said to our human minds, Kerbals' could be completely rearranged.
  11. Actually, in the most recent update, a very useful tool has been implemented that allows this. If you go into map mode, and tab your way to or double mouse click on a planet, it will bring you to it's view. From this, on the right side of your screen, there will be two small buttons. One being a planet with a sort of ring around it, and the other just being a sphere. The top one will give you a "In-character" sort of description, some info about the planet put into Kerbal wordsense. The bottom one, however, lists very useful information about the planet itself such as equatorial gravity, atmospheric height(if it has an atmosphere) and SOI distance and escape velocity. There are much more, but I can't list them off the top of my head. Though before you look at that, you may actually want to do some science yourself, it's a ton of fun as it gives you a small feel of what campaign mode will be like.
  12. There was a thread discussing this about 2 days ago. It didn't really end well as apparently people strayed off topic and the thread got locked.
  13. The screens nice, but you may want to tone down the flare a bit. Kind of takes away from the picture.
  14. Wow, the Munbug V and VI are simply amazing. That's probably the closest replica to the LEM with stock parts I have seen ever. Really nice job on these.
  15. You may want to ask a mod to move this to the Spacecraft exchange, but I don't think we need a megathread for planes. You should post a specific thread for the craft you are showing.
  16. It's in the tiny little RCS-like tanks. If you look closely, the containers have a slim grey stripe going around it. They're part of the KSPX mod.
  17. Probably one of my favorite landers for 0.20.1. It's heavy, inefficient, but it looks nice in my opinion.
  18. Looks nice, but I don't think his jacket and pants should shine unless their made of rubber.
  19. The terrain was altered, and any crafts that were landed on the previous land were either stuck in the air or buried beneath the terrain.
  20. You'd be surprised to know that actually, I HAVE spoken with a mod about this.
  21. Some criticism is too harsh, but you'll never see it here. And I agree that the devs should be told they are doing something wrong, but occasionally, even if it's not very nice, the community needs to speak up when the devs (Or some other person involved with the development or well being) of KSP are doing something wrong.
  22. This kind of behavior wasn't here back in 2011. The only time I started noticing the behavior was around mid-2012, when the game really started to pick up speed. The way it has gotten now is god awful, and there is really nothing that can be done about since the majority of them are either children or don't have the audacity to understand words put into a sentence telling them that they did something wrong.
  23. If we were to ever try and set up a base near mars, I'd say Phobos would be a pretty solid plan. Not nearly as much effort needed to land on Mars. Barely and fuel needed to come and go. That, and you can just kill a bit of velocity and let Mars' atmosphere take care of slowing you down. If we were to go full dwarf about it and actually mine into Phobos, it could double as a radiation shield.
  24. May I ask where your attempt on this is? You should read the challenge guidelines before posting one.
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