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Everything posted by OtherDalfite

  1. Geosynchronous orbit is at around 2,868,400 meters up. You can also visit here for a vast amount of information about the celestial bodies in KSP.
  2. I hate to say it to those who like the idea of Mars One, but the idea is a pipe dream. They've only done mockups, no solid, well defined plans.
  3. Yep, just walk up near a broken wheel and right click. A small dialog box should come up and give you the option to fix it.
  4. Well, the question proposed by your thread title is a yes and no type. His post was on the "No, I am not having good performance" side. I'm well aware you made the thread, but that doesn't give you the right to be witty in your responses to someone who misunderstood.
  5. Hey Stormman, I don't really have a problem with this being posted, but others might. The moderators have specified that all MLP content be contained to this thread. No worries, as it's easy to see how you could get mixed up.
  6. How did he post in the wrong thread? This thread is about people with issues in .20 as well as people who don't.
  7. Why are your sepatrons on backwards? The decouplers at the top will push the cones away, but the sepatrons will only push them back.
  8. So long as you originally built it in a medium to high orbit, I doubt keeping it up would ever be a problem.
  9. That's a very simple thing to change in Unity. I'm sure the devs will add an option.
  10. I completely agree with this post. It's too bad the part of the forum making the awful reports won't read it since it isn't exciting.
  11. I'm afraid to answer the first question, as I don't quite understand it, but I can answer the last 2. 2) Yes, it does. It works at the highest point of your orbit to have the maximum effect on your periapsis. This is because you are going sideways relative to the planet and therefore not being effected by gravity. Basically, you are just adding or removing velocity, without having to fight gravity. You'll also notice this if, when in orbit, you go into your pod and look at the vertical speedometer. It will read 0. This is because you are only moving sideways relative to the source of gravity, and are not really being "pulled" by it. 3) The apoapsis and periapsis are the most efficient places to burn because, like above, you are not fighting against gravity. Burning at the periapsis is best for raising your orbit, while apoapsis burning is good for lowering your orbit. Anything before or after and you are fighting against gravity. If this was at all confusing, please let me know and I'd be happy to try and explain it differently.
  12. The thing is, is that the QA team probably DID find several game breaking bugs, and the coders fixed them. Bugs slip by, and this is what we deserve for being so impatient.
  13. This should be in the KSP development board. And also, what makes you think the game is spitting in your face? The devs didn't put it there on purpose you know.
  14. There's a reason why the test group is as small as it is. Long ago, when experimentals were public, the bug report forum was FILLED to the brim with horrible, grammatically handicapped posts. They held NO information as to what source the problem was originating from as well as the steps they did to encounter it. The reason the released version was filled with bugs was because the community was basically demanding it be released with all the "wah wah KSP no update" threads. Now, we've got a bug-filled update, and all because half the forum couldn't wait a few weeks for their favorite videogame update. If this is to EVER change, the devs will need to hand pick the volunteers so that way the bug reports submitted are able to be understood. The problem with this, is that most people seem to think being one of the experimental testers is some kind of special treatment, so they whine about that. This further pressures the devs to release the update, whether it's bugs have been sorted out or not.
  15. I don't think this is art in the slightest. Art consists of edited clips, strewn together to portray some sort of plot or theme, as well as images, whether edited or drawn from scratch.
  16. I used to play it a lot. I'd still be up to play if anyone likes.
  17. Let's not forget that the Kerbal universe is scaled down quite a bit. I think what the original poster meant was that Jool contains bodies that give gravity almost similar to Kerbin, the Kerbal's "Earth". In reality, Ganyemede, the biggest moon in the solar system, is only a bit bigger than the moon.
  18. "When will it be released?" threads are against the rules. I recommend you actually read the rules and stickies before posting.
  19. Well then, I guess we're done here, seeing as how we've ruled out the possibility of there ever being an exploding lemon that deals the force of a regular grenade.
  20. You may not be implying that it's as simple as flipping a switch. More like snapping a lego to another, and it functioning perfectly. What happens if whatever motive is given to the plant to make it grow some kind of explosive chemical kills it? Not really sure what makes you believe that growing a plant that can literally explode and yield the force of a grenade is remotely possible.
  21. I'm not trying to say in anyway that ignorance is bliss. I'm thinking about the practility of it and the actual likeliness of such a thing happening. And about BT Corn. That stuff wasn't made over night. It wasn't as simple as flipping a switch.
  22. I mean that the KSP forums aren't exactly the opposite of the minecraft ones. That is, until you throw something like mechjeb into the equation.
  23. The thing is, is that it's not hard to understand. A thread really wasn't needed for this. I'm sure this discussion has come up elsewhere on the internet, where people who actually know about genetic engineering can answer this question.
  24. KSP may not be the next minecraft, but it's forums sure are. It's tough to find a place on here that I'm not at least a little ashamed of.
  25. No, you couldn't. Engineering the lemons that we all know into some sort of explosive, is not currently possible. I doubt it will ever be. I can't believe that some people think that just because something happened in a video game, that it can happen in real life as well.
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