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    Knower of the Things!

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  1. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Win11 | CPU: i7-12700k | GPU: RTX 3070Ti | RAM: 32GB I launched a 3 part rocket (capsule, fuel, engine) at 10,000m, I eva'd the Kerbal. Using the rocket pack I got him on a trajectory to land in water offshore of KSC. Using UP thruster on the jetpack he was stable at 186m/s on contact with the water. He lived! Seems kinda sus to me.
  2. The way I build something like that is to put a decoupler between the docking ports for the launch, then strut to the decoupler. When you're ready to use the little ship, you undock the decoupler from the mother ship, and after you're clear you can stage the coupler to get rid of it.. Then when you come back, both ports are ready to use and clear. Good to test it on the ground (or at least near Kerbin) tho before you get out to somewhere far. This is why we had all those docking test missions in Gemini and in Apollo prior to going to the moon. Gotta test these things.
  3. I just had this same thing occur, the speed added to the other vessel seemed to be about double the speed of the docked pair. The controlled ship maintained its original velocity. This was in orbit of Kerbin at about 100km X 100km, velocity was about 2200m/s, after undock the uncommanded vessel had instantly departed at 4400ish, and on an escape trajectory from Kerbin. Pretty frustrating, I hope this one get attention.
  4. I've also seen this behavior.
  5. DEV answered question about joysticks here...
  6. I have a lander which has ascended again to rendesvous with another craft at Mun. Lander is trying to fly a lower orbit to catch up, about 13k X 13k meters. When I do my circularization burn, I see new valid orbit, but PE and AP numbers are changing even if all engines are manually disabled. Speed is also flipping about by a few M/ps. So I hit time warp to force the orbit on rails, which works. But then when I come down to 1x speed, the velocity changes and puts the craft back on its original suborbital trajectory. Not sure if there is some corruption in the save, or if there is more to this. Install is 21572 running on Windows 11 i7-9700k 32GB Ram 3070Ti graphics.
  7. Thanks for the direct response, Nate. Always great to hear things first hand.
  8. Did Joystick/controller support get in there and I missed it? This is a great list of fixes and adds, but I really need to be able to use my controllers
  9. Exactly. Discord's real weekspot is having any archival capability... Sure, you can pin a post, but its not like a pinned forum topic that is always easily seen, discord pins you have to deliberate go look at. The conversation scrolls along WAY too fast to be useful for anything other than immediate chat -- It does chat great. But it really stinks for static info.
  10. agreed -- Well I hate it for developers trying to support. I love it for gaming with my friends, etc. It hands down wins that fight. But as a support channel, yup, it sucks. But, it's how the world decided to be, so that's that...
  11. Newspapers predate discord too, and they didn't publish there either. Nor did I receive anything in pony express. Things change my friend, better to roll with it than to stand there and watch it go by. (To be fair I agree they 'should', but the truth is, forum isn't how these companies operate anymore. So time to start adjusting)
  12. Reading this thread helped me understand that 89% of the Kerbal community are CEOs of game development companies we've never heard of. Clearly these people have years of experience that they draw on when saying IG and T2 etc. are bad at jobbing. Most importantly, is that from this vast pool of gaming executives hanging out in here, I am left to assume that there are at least 30 space sims coming up in the next year or so that will blow the pants off everything that has ever been done before. Because with so much obvious inside development knowledge, how could these rando community members not succeed when they release their own sims? Halcyon days! I can't wait! </satire>
  13. IMHO, Discord is nothing more than a noise-box. You can't get anything done there as far as meaningful communication because it scrolls along and is gone, and the pinned messages, while useful are simply not as effective as a pinned forum thread. Discord has its place, but that is for communication between players... Not as a format for support. Community can't really exist if the content from the community managers is instantly scrolled off the screen because Jimmy was whining about FPS. Community happens in the forums, where the discussion can be controlled and saved. Glad to see you're switching gears a little. A lot of people seriously can't stand discord.
  14. Early Access in 2012 worked so much better than now. I remember first starting in KSP back then and feeling like I'd be along for the ride. And we were. Today, I think a lot of people think of early access as some kind of golden ticket, like the buy the right to try to force development one way or another, or be angry if its not what they want. Kind of a 'my money pays your salary!' attitude. I'm trying to dance around using the word entitlement, but failed. And then of course there are plenty of bad studios that have used Early access as a cash grab scam... So people get suspicious. But considering the team here has some of the best members of the community over the years embedded, I really don't think there is any reason to doubt that they'll deliver. I just wish they had shined it up a bit more before delivery. Ultimately, the launch was going to be ugly no matter what because everyone has been running heavily customized versions of KSP for 10 years and everyone's view of what the core game is has been skewed by their own modded set ups. So while there are things wrong right now, I think a lot of people see it as worse than it really is. Not least because KSP1 can run on a modern microwave oven and doesn't even begin to test the limits of a modern PC. But this is written for now and forward. A lot of people complaining about performance today probably weren't even playing when KSP1 was in that state - but there was a time when it was. And it got better.
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