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Everything posted by pargentum

  1. Download link on spacedock.info (http://cdn.spacedock.info/zkeyaerospace_1268/x_Science/x_Science-4.18.zip) is broken.
  2. Utility stops collecting science after game reload. I launch a vessel with many science instruments (it was a first flight to return from the orbit). The utility collects science for most of the instruments. I reload a game from saved state before the launch, and the utility stops working. The utility dialog opens but nothing happens, no science is collected. Unfortunately, the log of the game session when the utility was working is lost. Here is log of the session where I did several reloads trying to understand what is wrong: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bulugk4pqyapp7w/AABLi-T-YQIMPsk6Y8eNSxLXa?dl=0
  3. On SRB missing plumes on 2% thrust limit. I uploaded craft files in the same dropbox folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l9ck8h5e0eoxgcv/AABCnVSG_G18BKkDipzrpKRba?dl=0 Raketoplane.craft is the original vehicle where I found the issue. It uses MechJeb, CryoEngines, B9PartsSwitch and InterstellarFuelSwitch (last two are required by CryoEngines). Untitled Space Craft.craft is a pure testbed, it is designed to burn SRBs staying on launch clamps (it has no controls so probably not flyable). You definitely can set 2% thrust limit on any SRB in the VAB editor in 1.1. Though I noticed some nonlinear response with settings below 50% (both by MechJeb stat calculation and by craft handling). I estimate that 2% setting is much bigger thrust than 2% from nominal. Actually, if you build a rocket that takes most or all of its dV from solid fuel, you need to seriously throttle down your boosters. Rockets with too high TWR are difficult to handle in low atmosphere. This is true for stock boosters and for all mod boosters I used (KWR, RLA and USI Sounding Rockets).
  4. Yes. Fuel Tanks Plus have wet/dry ratio very close to equivalent stock configuration (FTP FL-T1200 is equal in capacity and dry mass to stock FL-T800+FL-T400). KWR ratio is much higher, especially for unpainted 2.5 and 3.75m tanks.
  5. Yes, I want to comment. With current stats and cost, KW tanks have distinct position. They are high-performance light-weight expensive tanks intended for upper stages and unique high-performance missions. If you bring them in line with stock, they will become another collection of stockalike tanks. Who would want that when you have Fuel Tanks Plus and many other tank collection mods? Keeping current stats but increasing the cost would make sense. I also would like to see engines brought out of line with stock, may be in different directions (cheap low performance and expensive high performance)
  6. On missing SRB exhaust plumes (continuation from locked thread) I did the investigation. The root of the issue is not an interaction with my other mods (I did a clean install and added mods one by one). It is just throttle setting (thrust limit setting in VAB). On full and 50% throttle Globe V has plumes, both on clean install and with all mod combinations I tested. But my ship has 2% thrust limit. It still has enough power to haul 5-seat winged vehicle to suborbital trajectory, but it turns the exhaust plume off. Stock SRB (I tested Flea) have plumes on 2% thrust limit.
  7. Sorry, I did not want to imply you're doing a bad job. I understand what you asked me to do, and I promised to do it this weekend. I understand that you could not respond before I provide you with information, so I'm ready to wait till Monday, and maybe longer if you find a problem to be complicated.
  8. IMO, unwanted interaction with other mods is a valid support request. I agree that it is much harder to debug than a problem reproducible with single mod. I will try to do clean and incremental install tests on this weekend.
  9. Stock: Flea, Hammer and Thumper have, Septatron and Kickback not tested. KWR: Globe V does not, Globe X seems to have (IIRC), other did not tested USI Sounding rockets: all have.
  10. By hand. Copied content from GraduatedResponseConfigs over the GameData/KWRocketry.
  11. SRB have no exhaust plumes. Had not tested LF engines yet. Logs and screenshots: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l9ck8h5e0eoxgcv/AABCnVSG_G18BKkDipzrpKRba?dl=0
  12. It seems to be [mostly] working (thank you!), but I have hit at least one problem. When I switched to the ship via KAC, and then back to KSC, game stuck in strange state. I could rotate KSC scene, but I could not enter any of the buildings (both mouse buttons did not work), navigation buttons disappeared, and even ESC key was not working. I had to close the game by WM "close window" button. Messages in the log seem to imply that your KAC build is the culprit: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0g8fw79xbeh8xtz/AACezD-sQB_lmdPguDv1rhj6a?dl=0
  13. It does not even load (exception logged on game load).
  14. Thank you for excellent idea and its implementation! Memory footpring seems to be smaller than using ActiveTextureManagement, and the graphics quality got much higher, no more ATM-produced blur. The game stability also improved, but I still had the crash. I am using RSS. I had game crashed when I entered Tracking Station. It happened after moderately long game session, it was not the first time I've used Tracking Station. The logs do not look like typical "out of memory" crash. Log files (KSP log and ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Player.log) are available here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gl9ur29zk5c5ev6/AADMKhHN08CBw0YnUU2Pekkza?dl=0 You might notice that I use 32-bit binary on Linux. This is intentional, my notebook is not x64 capable
  15. In 0.021 there are no config files for RSS Earth and Mars. I copied files from 0.0195 and there are issues. Earth from space in Staging view looks too blue and too blurry (though it could be just my opinion) In Map view issues are different and worse (or funnier): see shadowed blue ball over Earth center?
  16. I have found some funny thing in Earth biome maps. Do you seriously consider Kunlun mountains south of Tarim basin a "highland"? (surface coordinates are visible in Surface Info Mechjeb window, 35º 36'N 84º 17'E, biome is shown in Flight Info window as Upper atmosphere of Eartg Highlands). another oddity in this picture is that MechJeb shows terrain height ~11km: ASL altitude 66.32 km, true altitude is 55.26 km. Also I think, calling area around Bajkonur a "highland" is also an overstretch, but in other direction.
  17. On Linux/x64 does not seem to work. Shadows are totally messed up in VAB and launchpad, like this: [IMG]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-nNVjJC7UXbc/Vkrf0wODukI/AAAAAAAACKo/o06Kcozg-tU/s800-Ic42/screenshot59.png[/IMG] [IMG]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-WJXhxpxXcY0/Vkrf0rpUrpI/AAAAAAAACKk/-UtSXX8kZ1U/s800-Ic42/screenshot62.png[/IMG] (second picture is dark because it's early morning, but weird triangular hatching is noticeable). Here are the logs: [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/tq97qxpl7vnny2g/logs.zip?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox.com/s/tq97qxpl7vnny2g/logs.zip?dl=0[/URL]
  18. In Career mode, game routinely gives me rescue missions with perigee in the atmosphere, sometimes as low as 100km.
  19. By the way, where I could post support requests for ROMini.cfg? (I guess it is not a supported part of RO suite?)
  20. Hello! I've found strange visual effect. When entering Mars atmosphere, at altitudes below ~95 km and above ~45 km Mars surface looks like Sun: white hot, shiny and yellowish below the horizon. Also I noticed that right before turning white, for several frames the planet looks transparent, or just is replaced with black starry background, but I could not make screenshot. Above and below these altitudes, the surface view turns to normal. Earth looked normal during the accent. Before you ask, I have no visual enhancements installed (I tried Scatterer, but that build was unusable on Linux, so I removed it). Log and full-size screenshots are available on request.
  21. Liquid Hydrogen should burn in CO2 atmosphere.
  22. Whoa! Right before I've seen this mod, I was trying to build an orbiter in RSS Career, and could not fit all necessary components in 30 parts limit...
  23. I tried to use DR and then removed it. The scenario is similar with DR and without: shield explodes in upper atmosphere (at 80-100 km) because of high surface temperature. It happens before burning all the ablator and before any significant braking. - - - Updated - - - Now I tried Mk1-2 pod with stock 2.5 shield, with new ROMini and no DeadlyReentry. I am descending from 160km circular orbit to periapsis of 50km. Significant heating starts right at the edge of the atmosphere. Shield surface gets to 1000C at height of 110km, and the shield explodes at ~80km due to high surface temperature before consuming all the ablator. The pod expodes immediately after that. This also happens with non-stock pods (I tried HGR Spudnik and Soyjuce). I also noticed that my unshielded last stage starts exploding literally several seconds before the pod. This makes me suspect that the ablator does not consume enough heat. Update: I've set Reentry Heating in difficulty settings to 70%, and my Mk1-2 pod landed with 2/3 of ablator on board. There was no significant heating before braking started, and at altitude 45 km, still at hypersonic speed, it started to cool down. Strange, but when I played with Aero heating in Alt-F12->Physics, it had no such effect. It looks like some global parameters are messed up, and changing diffuculty resets them to some sane values. May be this is because I started this save without ROMini, then loaded ROMini, then DR, then removed DR, ets.
  24. I am trying to build a rocket usable in career mode, and Mk1-2 is pretty far in the technology tree. - - - Updated - - - Well, that's true, but I was asking for advice. Is there a recommended parameter set for reentry in RSS? With default parameters significant heating begins at 120km, and I explode before even having some braking.
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