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Everything posted by TimothyC

  1. Oh, that is much better. Without a third stage I can almost send a small probe to Eve on day 1 (NASA would have needed the JPL 6K stage to do the same).
  2. @Jso One issue I have with Vejur is the mass. Right now, the dry mass for Vejur is in excess of that of the Muo-D at burnout. I'd lower that down from the three-and-change tonnes it is now to the one and a half to two ton range. Remember, the real thing would have only massed a tonne or so, and had a mass fraction in the 90% range (balloon tanks for the win). While the Inon stage has a similar mass fraction as Vejur (~.64-.70), it is also only one third of the dry mass. I know that hitting the balance point is hard, but I'm pretty sure that she's not there yet.
  3. For those that want to have prebuilt Sarnus stages, I have the S-I, S-IC, S-IE (ETS), S-II, S-IV, S-IVB for Sarnus 1, and S-IVB for Sarnus II/V.: Zip Linky (personal server). Note, this is the quick and dirty version. Better version will come after more sleep.
  4. Alas, most info on it got pulled in the great NTRS takedown. Given that however, we do have this: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20000033816.pdf and this:
  5. @Pak Just a side note, the LRBs would have used liquid fuel separation motors instead of solid fuel ones.
  6. One thing that might be fun, was something that came out of Shuttle-C work in the mid-late 1980s: A Double Payload Bay Shuttle Derived Vehicle: Source PDF (pages 26 and 28)
  7. One of the lifting bodies has a flat back end for Buran style lifters, while the other has an angled back for Shuttle Style lifters.
  8. Cool. Just for the record, I had a typo in my post, and the more-or-less final SRB-X design used three segment SRBs, But I'll happily take whatever you see fit to share!
  9. @benjee10, is there any chance of getting a short 2 segment SRB so we can use the parts to simulate SRB-X?
  10. What you need to do is fly a trajectory that is dramatically flatter than most people do in KSP. You want to have Main Engine Cut Off (MECO) with your PE already above the ground. This will reduce the deltaV needed for the circularization burn. Remember, the OMS on the real shuttle only had a deltaV of about 300m/s - and that was also needed for reentry.
  11. For the record, the F-104, piloted by Joe Walker (NASA Test Pilot, and 7th American Astronaut - by virtue of his X-15 flights above the Karmen line), was not the aircraft taking pictures. The photoshoot was of five different aircraft powered by GE engines. As a side note, both Joe Walker and the Pilot of the XB-70 (Alvin White), had been a part of the Man In Space Soonest program along with Armstrong and six others.
  12. Have you considered any SpaceHAB style parts?
  13. Living in Dayton means that it was a "Request day off of work, and go with my buddy" style of trip :P.
  14. @CobaltWolf, @OTmikhail, @VenomousRequiem, & @Foxxonius Augustus: As I promised, here are the Titan IVB images:
  15. I got some pictures of the Titan IV (the hanger opened today), and will get them uploaded soon.
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