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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. I think that it is one of the most ingenious puzzle games of all time.
  2. Yeah, I've seen that before. It looks really similar in-game, too.
  3. There's a big clump of parts inside the subassembly that makes it REALLY hard to see anything.... Soon, though.
  4. My tendency to stay inside the Kerbin system (With ventures outward to Duna and Gilly) gave me a final score of three. (Not sure that this is a skill poll rather than a completionist poll)
  5. So far, yes, unfortunately. He's working on it, though. (I might lend a hand...)
  6. I'm trying to do all the math beforehand. Is that cheating? (Making equations that tell you where your apoapsis is, for example.) EDIT: " All piloting and course selections must be 100% set by the user without any instrument guidance or assistance. " Excluding cockpit instruments?
  7. Yes. Somewhere between 1500 and 3000 samples is where it becomes very small... Though it looks cool as hell.
  8. Oh! Oh! Me first! My computer slaved for eight hours over this image. 3000 x 4000 pixels and 3000 samples per pixel. I have no idea what it'll look like in this post. Here's the actual link: http://i.imgur.com/AYi2emW.jpg
  9. The "center of mass" is set at the origin of the model. Presuming you've got access to the raw file, reposition it's mesh or origin to wherever you want it. Blender, for example, as a "Set Origin to Center of Mass" option, which calculates where the CoM should be. From there, you would edit the mesh independently to "move" the center of mass upwards, downwards, or any other direction you desire. EDIT: Also, I think this belongs somewhere in the Addon Affairs section, as it deals with mods and not the stock game.
  10. Starwhip


    I'm out too. Unless it is a caterpillar.
  11. Starwhip

    1000! Wahoo!

    A bit out of section, probably should go in the Space Lounge or Kerbal Network.
  12. Except he's a mod, and mods have special privileges. I bet that Kasper could do it.
  13. Did you actually do that? Interesting. Does it work with reputation too?
  14. It's almost done... 3000 x 4000, 3000 samples. (Renders each pixel 3000 times)
  15. KSPBlender--Blender .craft importer. With Blender, it is possible to export 3D models to a 3D printer. And now, your craft can become readable, printable models, thanks to Dasoccerguy, a brand-new member of the forum! Zekes' Life Size Space Shuttle in Blender: This is soon to be printed. A little bit complicated to get working, but once you do, it is worth it.
  16. 10/10. Extremely dangerous black-hole substance contained in a glass jar. Would buy again. Ooh, I get to show this off:
  17. Starwhip


    You make it sound so appealing, Vexx...
  18. Ten, I guess. EDIT: NO, that's way off... Um, why can't we just put up normal numbers, people?
  19. That's some serious lurking... Well, I don't.
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