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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. A lot of the capsules in KSP have what look like thruster ports in their textures. Should they have working RCS thrusters built in? Note: This doesn't apply to all capsules, just the ones with the textured ports.
  2. The only reason it happens to me is that I normally don't bother looking for one of their posts and just make a new PM. Then I forget. It happens more when I hit "reply" in a PM and it generates a new one.
  3. Wow, this is annoying. Whenever I try to PM someone I (more often than not) forget to change the user I'm sending it to to someone other than me. That was a bit of a tongue-twister.
  4. Who, Rich? Yeah. The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. 42
  5. Rich, just because you're a mod doesn't mean you can subtract 4. 34.
  6. Very intricate rotating things with wings spammed all over them that abuse the physics engine to produce thrust for free*. *Electricity, but we've got stuff for that. Zekes, got any pictures? I can't find any.
  7. Zaminovar: Why the heck would you need lifters of that size?!? Those modules look like they couldn't possibly be over 36 tons! Those lifters look capable of over 300 tons!
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