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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. I'm not sure. What's so special about it? Is this it? XD Yeah, it's the InvisiText Color
  2. Starwhip

    1000! Wahoo!

    Congratulations! Next objective: 3,500 posts. I remember when I cared about my post count. I had under 100 back then. Suddenly I have 1,800 and counting. It seems to accelerate.
  3. Starwhip


    Or a horn, I'm not sure.
  4. On top of that, how about letting other parts that are not generally in staging be put there? Cargo bays, solar panels, docking clamps...
  5. Who put this programmable block here? *click* *All doors open at once* Nooooooooooo!
  6. Looks like I've got a little time on my hands again. I'll accept a few stock craft requests from you guys. Any one user may only have one pending request at any time. If you want multiple craft to be rendered, please prioritize and send me the one you want rendered first, then after that one is done, you may send the second. If multiple craft are requested, once the first has been rendered, the next will be added to the end of the queue. Computer Specifications: Intel i7-6700HQ @ 2.60GHz, 8 GB RAM NVIDIA GTX 960M, 4GB Disclaimer: I cannot guarantee that your craft will import correctly, due to the imperfect state of the .craft importer plugin. Chances are good that it will be fine, however. Completed Renders My Renders: Renders for Others: Older Renders for Others: Special Thanks: This would not be possible without Dasoccerguy's KSPBlender script. Go look at the thread: KSPBlender Here's a video showing the process of creating one of the renders, Mad Rocket Scientist's Vostok 6.
  7. Resizing gives it no justice, spoiler will have to do. Thinking of starting a thread where people can request .craft renders from me.
  8. All of the above. A few without maneuver nodes or SAS.
  9. Starwhip


    I thought you said that it wasn't pine cones!
  10. Starwhip

    Hi :)

    I made a tutorial specifically about docking and station-building. It includes instructions for a basic station. Look for signature link: "Docking from Navball to First Station" Welcome to the forum, Manytox!
  11. Fly through all the nooks and crannies in the Space Center! (You wouldn't believe how tight some of those spaces are at 150 m/s... )
  12. Suggestion: Delete all colliders on import. God, the MK3 cargo bays are a pain.... (Maybe you just missed them, IDK, the other parts are fine. )
  13. It's called "Inspect Element". Check it out sometime! (Though don't abuse it...) Those are some interesting clouds. When .... starts to look like this it's time to go. This is not photoshopped.
  14. Quick tip: "C" allows a circle selector, which selects all origins within the circle. Scrolling the mousewheel makes it bigger and smaller. "B" makes a box selector, selecting all objects with some part of them inside the box. ESC cancels. (I don't remember which one confirms, I think it's left mouse button) EDIT: Here we go! Blender Beginners Tutorial
  15. Theoretically, using a for loop and going through each file in GameData, then generating the list off of that, would work. Theoretically.
  16. In an ironic twist of fate, because your wish was not grammatically correct, the whole world enforces its new grammar regime on you. I wish for a spoon.
  17. Didn't you know? Half Life 3 and Portal 3 are the same game! (I've heard rumors...)
  18. How about "N".. wait, drat. That's being used. Um... Node... "O" is available. So is "P". They don't work as well as "N" though. I like it!
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