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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. *clears throat* Shoo, go find someone to help! (Or be helped.) Post a craft somewhere.
  2. Starwhip


    I think he died. :evilgrin:
  3. My God. Zekes and I just realized that this is a way to 3D print your craft files... Dasoccerguy, you've got no idea what you just made available.
  4. *Facepalm* Whoops. I'll put up the file I've got tomorrow. Gotta finish some stuff before I go to sleep.
  5. My scene looks like this: the big floating squares are light sources. They were there when I opened the kspblenderdemo.blend file, do you not have them?
  6. Are we having too much fun with Blender? Nah! Me likey.
  7. Starwhip


    Jellyfish? (I'm lost)
  8. What could take a while? Zekes did it in-game. The boosters are individual* objects. Next is the main tank and orbiter. *They're parented to the same part.
  9. Nice flags. Wait what? You were on Wipeout? Awesome!
  10. Banned for being lost in space with your helmet off.
  11. Starwhip


    I know, it's bad. Uhm... ah... "Hooks" is throwing me the hell off. Hints?
  12. Starwhip


    Oh, are they mangrove seeds? (The shaft-things that you find in the water)
  13. Just needs a bit of work... (zekes and I are getting to it.)
  14. Right. It could use a *bit* of work... Fuel lines are funky. So are launch clamps... Anyway, a little bit of cleaning-up and it'll look great! (After all, you don't need struts and fuel lines and interior stuff in Blender.
  15. I see why you said "Fifteen Minutes", zekes. "Load! Load! Load! load! load... load?" It's a race I think I'm going to lose.
  16. Okay, prepare for a bit of complicated-ness. Hit "CTRL+ALT+U". This opens the User Preferences panel. Check "Rotate around Selection". Save User Settings and close the panel. If you're stuck in Camera mode, hit "0". That'll get you out of it. Do "SHIFT+S". Click "Cursor to Center" Then do "ALT+HOME". Mousewheel zooms you out. Then, click a part on your ship with left button. Stop, DON'T touch anything! Holding down your mousewheel will let you rotate the view around the part you've selected. Find a good angle, and zoom out much farther than expected. When ready, hit "CTRL-ALT-0" to set camera to your active view. If not good enough, you can probably select the camera with the right mouse button if you click on the black outline, and then hit G to drag it around. Hitting "Z" twice lets you move it "in" and "out". Left click when done, or hit ENTER. Should be okay. (Downloading and trying it myself, just in case. ) EDIT: Oh, boy, my fan is revving up. If my computer slags I blame zekes' shuttle. XD
  17. Floor 1111: You stare at the Floor Number sign for quite some time, amused, before walking up the next stairwell.
  18. Try making a new "game" in-game. Transfer your persistent.sfs file over. See if that fixes anything. I've never tried this before, I wouldn't know for sure.
  19. I know! Oh, BIG note! Unless you want it to take five years to render, set the "Samples" setting to something low. The WAL I was at 10, I think, and Starstreaker III at 75. By default it's at 1000. Go to the little camera icon on the right hand panel, scroll down to "Sampling". It's in there.
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