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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Third mission went well. Well enough, anyway. I wouldn't have made the craft for myself, but... it works.
  2. Banned for wanting to be called a noob.
  3. Hey, what the heck? I'll go for it. Give me a few mins and I'll do so. EDIT: Actually, a few questions. Is it sandbox mode or career mode? And do you start from the moment you create the game or only for flight time?
  4. Seen you somewhere. Not sure where. 6/10.
  5. 10/10 Spaceballs. 'Nuf said.
  6. When in doubt, ADVANCE THE PAWNS!!! (No wait that's chess...) NUKE IT FROM ORBIT!!! [bOOM] Nobody's spot. It is gone. I claim a nearby hill. My hill.
  7. Hello there, Mr. Intrepid Class! 10/10.
  8. Sun apoapsis in 15 seconds or so. The screenshot, if you note, is only at 1:41. So I did the calculations: in 30 seconds I would be at 88,681,208,138 meters. Lovely. I'm not actually submitting anything, but WOAH. No hyperedit for me. Go CFG Editing!!!
  9. I tried out OpenRocket, and it seems as if the rocket I had designed would work. Here would be the specs: Length: 24 cm Max Diameter: 2.54 cm Mass with motors: 58.1 g Apogee: 425 m Max Velocity: 122 m/s (Jeez, Mach 0.36) And it's stable. So it would work. I'll keep experimenting. I'll see how that one works, then maybe build a more powerful one for a higher altitude. Perhaps the expression MOAR BOOSTERZ works here too! (As in a larger or more powerful engine.)
  10. Banned because I went even faster, faster than Ludicrous, faster than PLAID!!! I give you CHECKERED!!!!
  11. That thing was a 2-part craft: OKTO2 core plus *cough*edited*cough* Rockomax... whatever the tiny one is. The stack orange-y stacky 0.625 metery one. Lowered the mass to 0.000001 and increased the thrust to 100,000 It broke in under 15 seconds. Gyro Kraken. (Had unbreakable joints plus infinite fuel on.)
  12. What kind of models? I can most likely help, now that I have some free time. I can't texture for [self-censored], just throwing that out there. I can make .cfg files.
  13. Yes, I like trains. They are faster in general than everyday traffic. Living in Miami, Fl, I use the Metrorail/Metrobus system. It's not fast, but it isn't that bad.
  14. More quick calculations: Assuming a 5:1 TWR, Total Rocket Mass must be a maximum of 122.48 grams. Engine weight: 24.7 grams. Thus, the assembled rocket (without motor) must weigh under 97.78 grams. EDIT: Parachute design tips. What the heck do I make it out of? I think that a parachute diameter of about 10 or 12 inches should bring it down safely. Maybe a little too safely. Meh. I'll do some testing (AKA dropping it out of windows).
  15. Technically, recovery systems don't need parachutes/streamers. According to Wikipedia (The source of ALL KNOWLEDGE!!!)
  16. Specs on the specific C6-5 I have: Weight: 24.7 Grams Burn time: 1.4 Seconds Derived Specs: 1.4 Seconds for a 6 Newton thrust = 8.4 Newton-Seconds of Total Impulse 6 Newton Thrust = 1.35 Lbs or 612.4 Grams Again, I don't know exactly what I'm doing, but testing will solve whatever issues pop up. But word of caution for myself: Mistakes cost money, and there is no "Revert to VAB" button in real life. Get it right the first time. Measure twice, cut once. ... Unlike our robotics team, in which we consistently cut twice before measuring once! I should fix that next year.
  17. Like I said, the design is secret: I have no idea what I'm doing yet, really, but I know enough about engineering and real-life aerodynamics to make a good shape. So... something like 15 inches long, with 3 or 4 fins: Curved, about 3 inches (root length), 5 inches long (downward from topmost root) plus 2.5 inches wide (outward), sanded into an aircraft wing-like profile for gyro-stabilization. Totally secret, I know Anyway, for the TWR all I really need is some kind of measurement. Any unit is fine. I'll convert it. It would be a smallish rocket, so I'd expect a TWR of around 10 or 15. The thrust of the engine is 612.4 g, or as I said before, 6 Newtons. Wow, super-ninja'd
  18. Quantumscrewdriver? Nah. Sonic Screwdriver still de best screwdriver. Hello and welcome!
  19. Over the summer, I have a new goal: Build a custom model rocket. I found three old (well, not literally old, but from a few years ago) C6-5 engines in my closet today. Did some research, and figured out a good general design. I'll keep it a secret for now. Anyway, one thing I find annoying is that the EXACT model I have (Of rocket engine, that is) (A060705) has had a few rather bad reviews of either not firing the ejection charge, or not meeting thrust requirements. But how much do you have to fail in supplying thrust when you have an engine TWR of 25? I think it should be fine. Here's my logic: Engine average thrust = 6N 1N = 0.225 Lbs 6N = 1.35 Lbs Therefore, the absolute maximum rocket weight is around 0.614 Lbs (for a TWR of 2.2) But with only 1.4 seconds of burn time that's not going anywhere. So what should the TWR be? I can't find it anywhere online. Other things: I don't want it to slam into the ground like every single rocket kit I've ever built. I'll design a nice parachute that WON'T not-deploy and break the rocket. I'm thinking ribbon/tiny 'chute that pulls the whole thing out to the right configuration. I want a good altitude as well. At LEAST 1,000 feet. And if not altitude, having it just WORK would also be nice. As in it goes up, coasts, pops out the parachute and comes back down in one piece. Would be best. So yeah, tips and such would be nice, but mainly I need to know the TWR of the rocket. Because 2.2 is not going to work.
  20. Starwhip

    React to...

    I would say, "Meh," and get along with my SSTO construction. How would you react if a satellite crash-landed in your backyard?
  21. You are calling the Mun in 13 seconds plaid? Sun apoapsis in 15 seconds or so. The screenshot, if you note, is only at 1:41. Yeah. But it is with CFG editing. EDIT: So I did the calculations: in 30 seconds I would be at 88,681,208,138 meters. Lovely.
  22. ...And have some cake. It's right over there.
  23. Starwhip


    Me tinksa sattelite. Perhaps Sputnik, if you want specifics. (Or Stayputnik if you want KSP )
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