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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Define "Shuttle". Like the actual Space Shuttle? Or some kind of reusable thingymabob that goes to orbit and back? I want to try this. Seems.... fun.
  2. Perhaps Vexx will chop off our heads with his flute-sword
  3. Oh, noes! A cable fell on me... Meh. I proceed to shoot fire at the next poster, while simultaneously throwing a large portion of the elevator's cable at them.
  4. What kind of plugin? What do you want it to do?
  5. Actually, it depends on the kind of mod you want. Do you want to add parts? New types of fuel? Change planets? If you're leaning toward parts and modifications of existing ones, then Blender is the starting point. If you want to just modify the existing game, programming. I've programmed in Python for over 4 years, RobotC for a few months (during FTC season) and WindRiver (A C-like language for FRC) for a few months as well. Programming, once you learn one language, you can learn any other language fairly easily. Here's a link for Python: LINKY
  6. Um... no. Only one. The user below has more posts than the user above me.
  7. Well, I found that a good place to start is to learn the basics of Blender3D. I've had the advantage of over 2 years of experience in this program. Other than that, you are right about the "a lot to learn" bit. You also need Unity. That's the backbone of any extra part or particle effect (which I still can't get the hang of!). Linkz: Blender Unity Then there are the config files. If you've had any experience with programming, they're a breeze; all you have to do is "learn the language". And even if you haven't, they're pretty straightforward if you take some time to look over them. Perhaps we could collaborate: I am creating a mod, and am also still learning the ropes. Do you have any skill at image creation (for textures)?
  8. Banned for being a bottle rocketeer!
  9. Starwhip


    Agh! I... can't remember... what it was called! One moment, I think I got it... nope. Darn. To the Googlez!!! Well... It is a non-Newtonian fluid... but apparently its "common" name is... Oobleck? What the heck?
  10. We. Watched. This. Movie. Three. Times. On. The. Way. To. Pittsburgh. For. FRC... And my sister did again just the other day. Please don't get it stuck in my head! But so far you seem to be doing okay.
  11. Did I hear someone say docking! There's a link to a tutorial/pdf on everything you'd ever need to know about it in my signature. Still working on the asteroid bit... Anyways, hello there!
  12. Pfft. Nope. I've played it, though. I think... some old beat-up version, anyway, where there were no intercept markers / maneuver nodes. The user above below just ninja'd me...
  13. Ahh, true. I remember those days. The user below knows them too.
  14. Starwhip


    The correct term is "Power Cycling" but yeah...
  15. Starwhip


    Whaaaaaaaaa??? I don't even....
  16. Probably because of that mind-control aspect and the cake.
  17. It hits a rock at the last moment, careening over my head and landing on the next poster.
  18. Banned for false advertizing. I just did, so HA
  19. Starwhip


    A river, which would be a waterfall when it runs over a ledge, hence "Falls Upright"
  20. Starwhip


    Well, based on that added bit, a toddler/small child? That would fit.
  21. Starwhip


    Seems like it would be water...
  22. Starwhip


    Is he online? *checks* Nope! Go ahead, whenever he comes back he's free to post. I'm so bored right now.
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