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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. In Unity, they appear smooth. I think there's too much flaring on the nozzle. Run around your computer in a circle and chant Hoo-la-la-la Hoo-la-la-la.... Nah, here, have some info. Click on the model in the assets menu, then over on the inspector panel (right side by default), there are a few options under the label "Normals and Tangents". Set them accordingly: (Normals: Calculate, Tangents: Calculate, Smoothing Angle: 15) EDIT: Nah, the nozzle's fine, it's just that the actual SRB is very short in this case.
  2. Well, models such as those are smooth in-game thanks to Unity's shading algorithms.
  3. Yep. We tried turning chat off to hide it but then we could not enter commands. Now we've just got to get the server working. :|
  4. So I've been working on some (hopefully) much better models for my now horribly outdated mod, Modular Booster System. What do you guys think? What do they need (Besides a texture)?
  5. If I am not mistaken, there is an extensive key mapping settings page. I'd have to double-check though.
  6. So, BattleBots, but with way too much time and money?
  7. I managed to install BuildCraft a while back. The Technic Launcher makes it so easy though. If you guys are looking for a great pack try "Hint of Vanilla". It's great. (And it has the mod that makes held torches emit light...) EDIT: That sounded less stupid in my head.
  8. 2/10. I've seen a few of your posts here and there.
  9. Is your rig in "High Performance" mode? That is usually the problem in my case. Also, if it is a laptop, unplugging the charging cord and then plugging it back in may work, as it does for me.
  10. Interesting side note: I'm louder then Endersmens in his recording, but he's louder than me in mine.
  11. What he said. Red Iron Crow would know. (Maybe any other mod as well)
  12. When did I say that? All I've got is an Intel Integrated graphics card. :/ But I'll try the newest Blender and a fresh install. EDIT: Got 2.75, the newest plugin versions, and am installing. If you haven't noticed I've cleared the render queue so when I get this working, first come first serve. EDIT: Gosh darn it. Shorter error message is better, right? EDIT: Smoke test.
  13. Yeah, Tekkit Classic is still one of my favorite mods. Power Flowers/Towers were weak though. The real way to go was a blaze powder IC2 macerator/EE2 condenser setup.
  14. Where the heck did this warpgate come from?! 3km from Nextech's homebase. I'll check it out when the server restarts. I spawned in yet another AUS-1 miner, BTW. I'm coming back!
  15. Angels + Quantum = Weeping Angels.
  16. Ooh, sounds technical. Here, have a wall of error:
  17. Two members of the Banana Pirate faction are online right now. Is the operation a go? I'm willing to wait for quite some time to get my revenge. Here's what I'm thinking we do, step by step 1) I log on under a different profile name, totally random and/or stupid. 1.1 Addendum) We need to test in our own faction if I can cut through blocks with the torch if I'm not factioned, or if I'm low-level in the faction and don't have permission to edit. 2) One of you sends me a bunch of credits/we get a torch and grapple and send a ship over to spawn to give it to me. 3) I get on these people's good side, try and see if they've got a base. If they do and the ships are there, wonderful. If they don't, not so wonderful. (If they come and pick me up in my AUS-2 I'll be laughing so hard. ) 4) Head to base and mark coords. 5) Sabotage with torches, take the faction modules out, dock everything together (Should bring a bunch of docking equipment), and escape. or 5a) We get a bunch of warships ready and nuke the place. Would it be too evil if I first joined Nextech Enterprises under the fake name, pretend to want to work as an undercover agent for them, "steal" a ship from our own faction while you guys are online, just to build trust, and then betray them?
  18. This definitely seems possible. I'm also wondering if staging counts. Because if it does, all you need to do is line up the transfer angle and boom you're headed to the Mun.
  19. I'd like it, because then we could do this: EDIT: Darn, wrong video. EDIT2: Found it! (Yeah, this was our FRC team's robot (Frame, not completed robot)... three years ago? I can't keep track anymore.)
  20. Hmm. The KSPBlender plugin is still broken beyond use on my end. Does absolutely nothing when I try to import a craft besides output a lengthy error sequence. Downloaded the newest version but no cigar.
  21. Oh I wish I played Terraria. It's on my mental to-get list.
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