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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. This thread is starting to lag out. Faster!
  2. Getting near a 100 page increase in Hypetrain page record. Omwards!
  3. Yeah, we don't wanna do that, Gregrox won't be able to see!
  4. You've gotta make your own hype, friend. C'mon, join us!
  5. I've had to hitch another car on just for me for fear of nailing someone with a wing or my tail as.the hype increases still!
  6. Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow! We must find something dimensionally trancendental and use it to jump 50 more pages, quick!
  7. Don't even stop for the cops! Just tell them that 1.0 came out and you'll be racing them home!
  8. *Blasts dragonfire into firebox* Can't stop now!
  9. Keep it up or we will crash 1.0's release!
  10. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116739-KSP-Updating-a-Public-Service-Announcement?p=1865102#post1865102
  11. Indeed, it has been a great honor to be here on the 1.0 hypetrain.
  12. Actually, I think we might lag their servers to kingdom come, but WHO CARES! hype!
  13. Seven pages to go! We can make it to Factor Nine!
  14. We don't need no wheels! Gregrox! We need to install HypeLev Repulsors! It should be possible to create pure beams of hype in 11 pages!
  15. Billions of times faster! Factor 7.2!
  16. Prepare to eject into the overhauled atmosphere of Kerbin!
  17. Four pages on new page load, 16 to go!
  18. How fast did you take a shower? Two minutes?! It's too fast! Plaid factor readings are going off the scale!
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