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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. Yeah, mine too. HE'S a SPECIAL ONE. Bring out the pitchforks and torches!
  2. Did you know that if you switch to docking mode and hit spacebar twice, it gives you a type of "hold" mode? When you hold the spacebar, it switches to rotation mode (or translation, not sure) and when you let go, it reverts. I didn't until the game lagged out and I hit it one too many times. The more you know.... And, if you hold shift on a ladder, then hit a directional key, your Kerbal jumps off in that direction? I mean really...
  3. I like "Ore". It's simple, and straight to the point. However, if I were to change it, I would make it something like "Kerbinium", or "Brightsteel" (Inheritance, what? ) I so creativez.
  4. No problem, I wish I had one of these things when I started.
  5. Speculator! He has spoken the forbidden Topic, and now the thread shalt be locked!
  6. Aww, the KSP wiki is down too... wait. That's a good thing, being updated to 1.0. Here's something to help you, though. https://sites.google.com/site/kspguideforbegginers123/key-bindings
  7. Never been to Eeloo. I'll try to go hug it, but I'll probably just stick around Kerbin's SOI again.
  8. Just wanna repost this here. Same concept applies, really. We paid 20 bucks for it and we complain at such a (relatively) small thing which has been clearly stated that they will fix?
  9. Next Mission Achieved: Total Internet Takeover --Deploying listener scripts... Holy cow, where did these last 60 pages come from?!
  10. If the Earth was flat, we'd have more problems than this.
  11. Couldn't have joined at a better time! Get ready for 1.0, and welcome to the Kerbal Space Program Forum!
  12. I'm gonna revamp my ship for 1.0. Can't possibly get all the way around Kerbin at this point. And I wanna have my hand at a self-sustaining resource rover as well...
  13. 8:55 PM EST here. Sunday. C'monsquadyou'vegottamakeatimedilatorandreleaseitsooner!
  14. Yeah, it's been beta for a while. Still cool though!
  15. Methinks I got the answer right... Not sure though. *crosses fingers*
  16. Kerbals can squeeze through struts and fuel lines, no reason why they couldn't phase into the fuel tank as well. Interesting idea. The docking port implementation seems smart as well: if you can transfer stuff through ports IRL, like PEOPLE, then couldn't you open it to space?
  17. Many pages back. We've broken all previous hypespeed barriers with this update.
  18. You shoot an arrow. It travels from your bow to the target in a matter of seconds. This change in position is perceived as motion. But how does this motion take place. Say you could see the arrow at any instant of its flight. It would not be moving. If no motion occurs in a single instant, then how can motion occur at all?
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