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Everything posted by Starwhip

  1. I said that like two seconds ago, make it three pages by the time you see this. 20 to go!
  2. Holy Mother of Kraken, I can't keep up! New page every time I go to the next!
  3. Metaphysical hype field, slow down time for us! We have a mission!
  4. Now you know the level of hype we were at the last time you refreshed the page! It's multiplying exponentially each second!
  5. Engage gravity drive! Ignite sepatron afterburners! Spam O-10's, warp to 4x physics time! Kraken glitch propulsion online! INITIATE MAXIMUM OVERHYPERDRIVE
  6. Holy crud we're at 1 page a minute! FASTER!!!
  7. Factor Nine!? You're out of your mind! That can only be achieved at 300 pages, at the moment of release!
  8. Pah, we're coming up on Plaid factor five now!
  9. Faster still! Onwards until release! Prepare to eject from train in thirty... twenty-nine...
  10. The planet's moved! I think that once the kerbal and Kerbin align, release will come.
  11. "Broken" as in no longer accepting entries? C'mon, someone hit 2.2 kilometers in "Open"! I've got no competition!
  12. Throw out all that old rusty junk all away, make it all shiny and new.
  13. Stahp speculating the time, you'll shut us down! As for wikipedia, it's already gone.
  14. Oooh! We should actually be able to replicate the real-life landspeed record now!!!
  15. I was gonna say something about my guess for the release time but thought better of it. So much hype for new SSTOs.
  16. Go to voar.io and try it out! It's orbital mechanics meets Kessler syndrome meets flappy bird, and a lot of fun!
  17. There was only the question about the population, an another for your username, right? I feel that I missed somesthing...
  18. "Today" doesn't mean "the-moment-the-clock-hits-12:01". That being said... Gimme gimme GIMME!
  19. If the old idea didn't requore the new features then, it doesn't need them now. Go and finish it. We'll be here, ready and waiting.
  20. As many as you decide to track and your processor can handle...
  21. Even then, I get nothing but text. What browser, Mozilla? I've got Chrome.
  22. Jeez, no! This is going to turn into the Grand Tour all over again with me not keeping up! Must... resist... urge... to read... new chapter....
  23. Seems the whole of Squad's server is down for maintenance besides the forum.
  24. MARCH?! What?! Wow. I've been here for over a year, and only been in the LGG for a month or so. Congrats, Robotengineer! Glad to have you with us!
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