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Everything posted by Darknighthb

  1. I have a strange error on 64x. If I start a career game I don't get level 1 facilities, I get level 3. If I start a career in 32x I get lvl 1 but if I load that in 64x I get lvl 3 again. I know 64x is buggy but I have tried this several times on fresh install and it happens everytime. Anyone else noticed this?
  2. agreed, Curse is literally pointless, Kerbal Stuff is the true replacement for spaceport
  3. Breathtakingly beautiful! Downloading instantly!!!!!! p.s can there be an option in the survey for 'all of the above' !
  4. *jaw drops* These parts look really cool! Its really close to Pork Jets style which I like and the idea is great. Downloading for sure!
  5. the modelling on that is absolutely beautiful! Great work. Downloading now!
  6. So excited for the Sputnik release! There has been a real lack of Sputnik mods. I love the modeling on the sputniks, something about them looks stock-alike yet still historically accurate. Well done sir!
  7. Will you do Sputnik at some point. Seems strange how no one has done the first satellite ever Oh and I can't wait for the Vanguard and Mariner probes!!
  8. Can't wait for update. Love your mods Black Heart. Just wish I didn't have a poor laptop so I could run more of your mods without hitting the RAM limit but I will always use this mod because it's just so darn handy! Thanks
  9. I don;t care what that cyber bully thinks, I really appreciate your work. You released and developed your three mods really quick. They've been essential for my historically KSP save game. But of course the decision on the releasing of your work is down to you alone. Just wanted to let you know that most of us on the forums love all the stuff mod developers make. Thank you!
  10. Ooooh. This looks very promising. Can't wait to see what will come out of this!!!
  11. rbray89, do you plan on adding more configs for more mods. A config for Umbra Space Industries is desperately needed. Also ones for SDHI, Aerojet Kerbodyne and R&S Capsuledyne as they use quite hi-res textures. Thanks for your mod, it's a game saver!
  12. I'm running 64bit 0.24 with only 0.24 saves and a ton of mods including MKS 0.18.8 and the latest o.9 #3 prerelease but I only have food and no water or oxygen but still all three waste products. This is apparent in every scene. Also, this food is not consumed and waste products not made and no electricity drained or kerbals dead. TAC LS is enabled. ALso, of I go into the TAC LS settings, it glitchs out. These are really serious bugs. EDIT: Turned out it was Universal Storage being just out of date. All good now!
  13. Love this mod and really glad you brought out a compatibility update out quickly. Would it be possible to include the Real Chute icon into toolbar at some point or even into the new stock toolbar like FAR has. Thanks
  14. Hope you fix KAS for 64 bit 0.24 KSP soon as I love this mod and a lot of mods depend on KAS. My Modular Kolonization System base can't be built without the KAS enabled Flex-O-Tubes to connect modules. Know you are working hard on an update. Good Luck
  15. That door is simply a piece of art. A wonder of Kerbal engineering. Can't wait for this mod to come out!
  16. Seem to have a problem. I have the aggressive version installed but it isn't compressing the clouds from Environmental Visual Enhancements. I have no extra mods, just a fresh install of KSP. No idea why this is happening as it is compressing all other textures. Pls help! Edit: Just checked out the config file for BoulderCo. which read: ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = BoulderCo enabled = true OVERRIDES { BoulderCo/Clouds/.* { compress = true mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } } } so I changed it to this: ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = BoulderCo enabled = true } and it compressed the clouds! Its a miracle. I didn't tamper with the config file before so I have no idea why it was like this but I wonder if you should check it out. Great mod. Now I can get KSPRC to work!
  17. Managed to get this stuff working now! I deleted Hot Rockets, Soundtrack Editor and stuck to the EVE clouds and all was fine. God knows why but Active Texture Management decided to actually compress all textures so I'm getting 40fps when looking straight at Kerbin in low orbit with full res and simple rendering, while before it would have been lagging like hell. This is a great mod. I like the sounds of your proposals such as the Squad engine re-textures and the rings. Also, I'm sure the developers of the dependencies won't mind if you package all their mods into yours as it gets them credit through you and it would be a lot easier to install. Cheers
  18. Right i tried loading the game with nothing but the ATM,EVE, Boulder Co. folders and it still hasn't compressed the cloud textures. I have had EVE and ATM for a long time now so all this time I must have been running it with the clouds uncompressed I guess. I don't think this is your problem. I might ask Boulder Co. guy.
  19. Ok, I reinstalled the ATM and switched the cloud textures from Boulder Co. to the low res version. I loaded the game and it worked just fine. I did though look at the texture cache and it still hasn't compressed the new cloud textures so I'll do what you suggest and remove the soundtrack editor. Thanks for the help.
  20. Right had a look at the texture compression caches and it hasen't compressed the cloud textures, no idea why. I have loaded the game several times. I might try loading the game with just EVE and BoulderCo.
  21. I'm sure I have install this right but I'm getting problems with it loading. It tends to get stuck at certain points while loading then crashes. I've tried it with most of my mods removed and on lowest graphics settings but then the clouds wouldn't load and the terrain went very pixilated. I'm going to keep trying this out. It's likely that its my crappy graphics card but something tells me that something is either conflicting or something like that. Just wondered if anyone is getting something like this?
  22. Beautiful! Whether it will actually run without slowing the game down to a crawl is a different matter. This is a truly great mod. Absolute must have mod up there with mechjeb and B9. Thanks Proot.
  23. These suits are just beautiful and for a guy with a laptop that has a graphics card so bad that is deemed implausible by science, the no extra lag is a early/late Christmas present. p.s Jeb thanks you for his new suit to go with that moustache.
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