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alpha tech

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Everything posted by alpha tech

  1. I have tried that that's where I got the formula for the delta v and when I use mechjeb it gives me a totally different number
  2. I have been using the Fasa Apollo mod and have got pretty good at translunar injections but I just cant figure out how to calculate them and also some other formulas like how to calculate delta v and twr and etc..
  3. I was actually thinkning about going into the config if u could tell me how to do it i thought about why all the docking ports arent universal and also i was thinking about just putting all the parts with the apas and apas docking ports and replacing the pma adpts later by replacing the modules themselves. - - - Updated - - - I said i would edit later and also not to comment on it plz
  4. The Iss Pma Adapters arent working with the apas docking port and i have 2 of them one is for the mir pack and one is from the css space shuttle i loaded the pre-saved ISS FGB so it's the mir one and i have seen in videos that they work perfectly i even used both of the robo arms to try and do it but nothing works so please help and sorry for spelling i promise to edit later
  5. Hey sorry for not posting in the time being but i want to calculate a trans-lunar injection and a return orbit that will take me to KSC using the FASA Apollo Saturn V with out using all the fuel and to make mid course corrections
  6. The thing is that when I go on a mission some times I get lost in space or get hit by space debris and have little Eva propellant. it just seem like I can't make it to a rescue because I am so far out and the station I am at blows up for some odd reason. the LES was a huge help but I need some more safety equipment that I can use. I tried to make escape features but at such a distance to bring one kerbal millions of kilometers away it takes a lot of fuel and time. Also I think that the KSP Team is following a good path and the Dev Team is doing a really fantastic job of managing the game and leading it in a new path also I hope the KSP Team has a really great year this year and a happy new year for 2015 and will consider this.
  7. Alright here is the new thing I have just finished making the MK I ejector seat some of these need the Vng plugin and also the thing to where you can auto have one when u get out of a craft so u wont jump out of the seat and die some of them are two seaters and also i am also currently getting in to texture design so will somebody please make a model of a texture and part to make it work send a message if interested
  8. the thing is i want to build a seat and have new textures and have rocket engines and a parachute
  9. docking and cargo transport and other stuff like that like i have a space plane that works has docking but i have little to no fuel left and it uses the rapier engine and i cant keep refueling it all the time also what i am having trouble with is fitting an engine to a Mk 2 space plane and having enough fuel to keep it afloat
  10. hey i need help building a good reusable space plane i have 0.25 and i watched Scott Manely do it and i know all of that and it just seems not to fit together;.;.
  11. I want to make a mod and I don't know how to make the models and textures and other stuff except partially the .cfg file.
  12. the thing in the bottom said and I quote " you may post new threads. You may post replies. You may not Post attachments. You may edit your post. and even if I could post attachments I wouldn't know how.
  13. https://sites.google.com/site/kscaircraftboneyard/ Curse Rejected my post but I do have a link to my website
  14. yes and come on the ejector seat was the whole reason I like the mod then I want to try to update the demv mk 3 ejector seat to 0.25
  15. This is a new release of my fist mod is a series of stock aircraft that look like real planes. This is a B52H statrofortress and DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT FLY OVER 10000 Meters It will go out and flip all over the place. It has a lot of fuel and a cargo bay and flying issues wait until you get at the end of the runway to pull up. Also another do not is do not land it on the small island runway it is too small. Later I will try to fix this issue But I need a part from Firespitter and that mod I have not seen updated yet and that is all. The link to it is on my website the link is posted.
  16. this is a new rule first i will post something then next i will edit it when i get time to and no my period and comma keys work just fine see. ,,,,,,,,,,,............
  17. I am no longer working on this mod I lost all my data for it
  18. Alright well this is some info for right now the first few ejector seats are going to be stock and not only am i just making ejector seats i am also making crash seats and ejector seats with support for TAC life support and also some of the ejector seats will use the Vanguard Parachute System And I will get to a feature that I discovered later with it the Mark I will have aerodynamic issues causing it to flip over that will be fixed later in another ejector seat now later as i can figure out how to design actual seats with rockets at the bottom and the VNG parachute systems to work and also I am getting a website for all of my stuff and it will be on curse to download and Before I create a website i need a suggestion of names that i could use that aren't taken
  19. hey I was just looking thru some old file and I found a mods folder that i had some cool mods that worked with version 0.17 but i currently do no have that version and ksp only releases the last stable release so I was wondering if some of you had the version please send me a link or if you need my email its ryancrowe92@gmail.com
  20. Hey since the release of my alternate fuel mod didn't get released because of me having to reformat my computer this is going to be my first mod and recently I have had problems trying to create a stock ejector seat its not doing well I will include some of my Pretest ejector seats what I am thinking of doing is using the KSP SDK and part editing to make the stock seat an ejector seat but please let me know which ones your like the best and I will release them on my next post 0.25 only and also There is another ejector seat mod in fact 2 of them one was the bobcat DEMV Mk 3 and the other was just a fighter jet i will post soon and please i know i am bad at spelling errors on computers and later i will edit them
  21. hey i figured it out and its real easy just forget everything you have seen about it just get the nodes as close as possible then switch to target mode then before you get the close encounter point retrograde and fire and point towards it and fire
  22. I was recently going thru all of my old ksp installations and I found a note that i had put there for a list om mods that I would like to get and I know that since the spaceport shutdown on i think may 30 2013 cause the spaceport link to send me to curse and it's a really cool mod that i would like to have and also one more thing has bobcat updated the historical spacecraft mod to 0.24.2 because after 0.22.X I could not find it in the space port or the fourm
  23. but what if your in a sub orbit trying to get into orbit with out map mode
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