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alpha tech

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Everything posted by alpha tech

  1. here is the change log BLUEDOG DESIGN BUREAU CHANGELOG 1.0 -Updated BDB to KSP 1.2. New modules, etc -Added Saturn S-IVB upper stage (3.75m) – Saturn V 3rd stage / Saturn 1B 2nd stage -Added Saturn S-II stage (5.625m) – Saturn V second stage -Added Saturn S-IC stage (5.625m) – Saturn V first stage -Added Saturn S-IE stage (3.75m) – Saturn 1C first stage (Eyes Turned Skywards) -Added Apollo Block 2 CSM (2.5m) -Added first parts of advanced Apollo variants -Added Lunar Excursion Module -Added FASA Launch Clamps courtesy of Frizzank and the FASA team. -Added APAS variant courtesy of CXG -Included Community Resource Pack, for resource definitions. -Saturn upper stages and Centaur converted to run off lqdHydrogen resource, for balance reasons. Additional functionality will be added to the cryogenic engines in future releases. -Probably a bunch of other stuff.
  2. no I want to make the props and the internal
  3. ok I think I was able to get my hands on a educational version of 3ds max 2017
  4. in that video of this mod in the shadow of the moon where did they get the animations for the separations
  5. Ok I have been looking at another side project: Building a CubeSat also I am currently finding materials to build my furnace and find my cans for the solid rockets. also building a parachute. material, strings, packing, wadding, pyrotechnics.
  6. Do some geographical research lake keowee I want to design one I can test concepts on I have a few ways I can do thrust vectoring and I mainly want it to test guidance
  7. the first will be a universal testing for thrust vectoring and etc. the next will be guided testing
  8. Its scattered every where and I have no idea how much we have but its a lot
  9. smallest orbit I can or would I be crazy if I said lets hit the moon
  10. like the v2 73% ethanol and 17 % water like not above 660 Deg Celsius
  11. the first test are going to start with some unguided Solid rockets with parachutes. does the srf get as hot as the liquid fuel.
  12. We have a lathe, drill press, saws, MIG/Flux, and ARC welding, Oxyacetylene, cutting and wielding, Plasma cutting, band saws, sawmill, chainsaws, and etc. and that is why we are making the test models for the flight data and computers. Only if the revenue man will get me for making moonshine. and still haven't figured that out. I've met Charles duke Jr. and he talked about the Apollo spacecraft that he was in.
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