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alpha tech

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Everything posted by alpha tech

  1. new design as in retrofitting the old service module and orbital module and possible upgrades
  2. If the Russians decided to restart development of the N1L3 could they go to the moon with the TMA or would they still have to use the one they originally developed
  3. KSP_win > GameData Bluedog_DB CommunityResourcePack DMagicScienceAnimate KAS KerbalJointReinforcement KIS kOS Squad Module Manager 2.75 I never had that problem before I installed your mod. also for some reason the 1.1 release from GitHub dosent want to download on my end is it just me or the server
  4. when you launch a craft and go back to the vab and the if you try to click on a part it wont move acting like its not there
  5. Hey Can some one check my math 3.0136321*10^11 * (2/380-1/380)=793061078.9 SQRT(Ans)= 28161.34 SQRT (Ans 2) = 167 for a 60 km * 60 km orbit around duna using GM * (2/r - 1/a) = V^2 m^3/s^2
  6. Does anyone know where I can get a basic non topographical non biome map of duna with latitude and longitude
  7. The small rockets are coming along but slow since I haven't been to the shop where I can melt down some metal for the rockets. but I have been looking at the CubeSat's and they look really promising.
  8. ok phone sat units cost around $7000 if I can make my own for cheaper that would be great.
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