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alpha tech

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Everything posted by alpha tech

  1. I understand the gravitational parameter and thanks for the extra info but I want to know what path I will take when I burn also I love orbital mecanis but I lack the knolage of how to calculus but I want to learn how to
  2. how does mission control calculate where you will end up and how map calculates this. like for translunar injection how do you know how your orbit is by not using map mode
  3. ok this may not be the best place for this question but what are funds worth? I think paper money is a representative of a commodity like gold, silver, platinum. now in terms of ksp we have liquid fuel, oxidizer, monopropellant, solid fuel, Xenon, and Ore. so how do you determine what value the money is worth. on the wiki it says that ore cost 0.02 VF per unit of ore and if you fill one tank It only amounts to 30 VF so what is the worth of one fund unit?
  4. I Recently downloaded KOS and I kind of have an idea of what I want to do. I want to script multiple scripts to achieve an Apollo style Landing on the moon and to do this I have decided on the scripts I want to make.. The first one is the auto-launch program where the craft goes up to 5 - 10 km then preforms a gravity turn and is put on a heading until the objective altitude is reached then it coasts to Apogee then makes the circularization burn I also want it to script the if negative vertical velocity to trigger the abort action group and switch to a file that contains procedures for the abort to jettison the les and to deploy the parachutes. I need a program that will execute maneuver nodes, a lunar landing Descent and Liftoff, a reentry autopilot for displaying heat shield integrity and action groups. I will also need a few micro managing programs that I think I can code my self and some of this I may be able to do since I do not fully understand the Kerbal computing language.
  5. How Do You Scroll the camera up with the craft on ps4.
  6. Like for the antenna I need to update the .cfg file to make it compatible like from version 1.0.5 to 1.2
  7. we all know that the space shuttle was a flying death trap, Gemini was intended on using a paraglider to glide to a runway, but was too unstable, so why did they not land back at KSC instead somewhere in Hawaii. What about Orion when it gets put into use it like a Apollo command module but newer. will it be reused or will it be scrap when they get back , also what about the Soyuz doesn't it get reused
  8. I thought the research costed the billion dollars, but the rockets were only like 500 million or more or at least salvaging what is still of use in the command module like the computers and the electrical components
  9. I have questions relating on the incompatibility of addons with newer versions of ksp. If I have unity and visual studio, also blender, if I say I want to update a mod for personal use, according to the licenses and have the full right to make any modifcations as long as I give credit to the owner and do not benefit financialy for personal gain the owner has that right . so how do I update it, because some of the mods work with the newer version and some parts are broken. like wheels with the 1.1 version . or communications with the 1.2 update . and if I misspelled anything please disregard.
  10. I have a question for the community, during the late 1960's and early 1970's NASA built a moon rocket. it composed of a Command and Service Module, a Lunar module, and a transfer stage. Why were the command modules never reused, it would have saved money and time. and if I misspelled anything please forgive it its just spelling. alpha tech
  11. From what I have determined about calculating rendezvous is your position and your orbital period
  12. For a while I have been trying to figure out how to calculate when two space crafts will intersect each other and have come up with nothing so I was wondering if anybody else has figured it out? If you want to know why I'm thinking of a challenge to rendezvous an dock with another spacecraft without using map mode
  13. Your probably a new player but back in the day in 0.17 it was in a different game engine check it up on the wiki version history all versions before 18 have a whole different look
  14. It Used To Be On Another Game Engine Before Like 18 Partially the reason
  15. I have to say to the developers of this game that this update has been the best update ever since the space center got renovated or career mode was added but whatever this has probably the most change that ksp has gone through since yall switch the game over to unity. To the developers you deserve a long break and thank you for creating such a wonderful game you guys put in a lot of work for this game so we thank you. (Also please excuse my English I am from South Carolina.) Keep up the good work.
  16. This mission idea is to take picures of some of the major landforms and come up with "unofficial official names" for those places by coming up with suggestions and voting.
  17. Rendezvous and docking are one of the most complicated maneuvers in spaceflight and like some of you I was a beginner too and couldn't even make it to orbit. So one day I sat down. Ad I told. My. Self that I would prefect my rendezvous maneuver well it didn't go so well. Any way to get to the tutorial part. 1.Use The maneuver node system. It will help you a lot 2 depending on the orbit inclination you have to match the plane that the orbit is on so basically just match your inclination to your target. Skip this if you are in a perfect 0 deg Inc orbit. 3. Depending on where you target is and where you are depends on if you need to go above or below your targets orbit. 4. Using the maneuver nodes and you will have to spin the around to get the encounter so play with untill you ge either one blue marker or one orange and dark purple or pink node hover over one or the other depending on whether which one has a shorter separation distance and you can tweak the node more to give you a shorter distance and you may even have to delay the burn for a couple of orbits to get close once you have got this set up go ahead and make your burn 5. You are now on an intercept course switch your nav ball setting to target mode the only two nodes you will use from here on out is the retro grade, target, and the (Prograde only for docking alignment) when you have made your burn and switched to target mode align your craft to retrograde position. At the closest encounter fire the engine until your. Relative speed to target is close to zero or S < 1.0 m/s. 6. From here on out engage your rcs system and you will point target and use rcs to get closer or if your still a couple of kilometers away. Use your engine and switch from target to retro grade untill you are within 50-100 meters. Of your target. Docking tutorial. 1. If you haven't selected target mode on your nav ball then do so. 2. Select control from here on your docking port on Your Spacecraft and select target on the target's docking port now you will need to align the ports an docking mode would be more helpful for beginners so use this that way you won't misfire you engine you switch between translation and rotation. Once you are aligned then slowly move forward with rcs. Wait until it tries to just grab it like a magnet and disable sas and rcs cause sometimes it won't dock until you do. and that's all I hoped that this helped you and I will edit this later because I am at highschool right now and I promise to add pictures if I can. And please if you have any questions or comments regarding this tutorial please feel free to post a comment.
  18. it's been 40 years ago since we last left the moon why haven't we got to Mars yet. Come on NASA where did that desire to spread out amongst the stars go. Besides the stupid space shuttle we haven't made an accomplishment in manned spaceflight in 40 years
  19. I have a question why did NASA chose lunar orbital rendezvous over direct ascent.
  20. i have a solution to the tile problem you know how the les on the apollo spacecraft has a cover to protect the capsuel from heat damage put a piece of plastic on the heatshield that is jett. with the et
  21. Atlantis was the first one to get the mfd panel upgrade. I never did like the shuttle because it was so unreliable like I said one tile comes off your SOL. The comand pod is better because of its ablative surface it basically does what sweat does it releases heat by evaporating material
  22. enterprise was never flown in space it was used for testing and training purposes only
  23. I know the names of the shuttles enterprise (ground mockup) Columbia (destroyed) challenger (destroyed) Atlantis,discovery,endeavor (retired) that is wat I had in mind
  24. I know that it happens in 1998/99 I think challenger happened in 2003 yes sts 1 had some tile damage to it
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