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alpha tech

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Everything posted by alpha tech

  1. 5 miles a second. haven't engineered it yet already done that when I was 5
  2. that is only the first stage so it will be used pretty fast. and the rest will be done by solid rockets. the first stage engine will be controlled by flaps and thrust vectoring and/or gimbal I haven't even began to engineer this thing so to make it clear to everyone I aint even close to making a rocket yet I have a lot of testing to do and until I am satisfied with the rocket there will be no launch
  3. were rednecks. we don't care besides we lauch in the desert at that place for ameture rocket makers and we aint even close to making the rocket yet
  4. Other than the ATF coming after me because of revenue. none also I have three years of math (1 MS) and (2 HS) but have learned more advanced math. KSP Aerospace engineering since October 2012 I will take a look into this is it with Ethanol and LOX
  5. no I will buy copper pipe from hardware store the engine yes it will be made of al 7075 T651 alloy
  6. Assuming that I have or can aquire the nessacary items required for this job besides I live in the south were most of our income comes from industrial labor.
  7. I do I have oxy acetylene torch. mig welding, arc welding, plasma cutting, lathe, ect. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7075_aluminium_alloy The aluminum used in United States and Canada are alloys containing 92.5% to 97% aluminum, <5.5% magnesium, <1.6% manganese, <0.15% chromium and some trace amounts of iron, silicon and copper according to MSDS from aluminum producer Alcoa.[6] Alloys used include 3004, 3105, or other 3xxx/5xxx series aluminum. (Wikipedia)
  8. I looked on Wikipedia for the alloy 7050 and under T65 whaterver. just look up the alloy
  9. I did but blender wont load the dds files
  10. My Brother and I have an idea to make a rocket that will beat all other armature rockets. and since we play KSP we will be doing it the hard way yes a feat no other person will beat. we will go to orbit. quote " not because it is easy but because it its hard and that goal is one we are willing to accept and one we are unwilling to postpone." so assuming that I live in the Oconee County Region of South Carolina and have a shop will all of the (necessary tools with in reason) to build this rocket. I want to use a liquid fuel and an oxidizer as the first stage. then solid rocket fuel will be next since it is easy to ignite like the explore 1 probe.. payload will be a camera, G.P.S unit, radio transmitter, and some other goodies. now I know that there are some aspects that KSP doesn't teach like rocket plumbing, reaction wheels, etc. I am the senior rocket scientist on this project and my brother will help out in ways he can be useful like helping me do all the work. and to think this is a crazy idea I am trying to keep cost a minimum by using high grade aluminum alloys that I will make my self from soda cans. yes soda cans. from there I can melt them down add copper, zinc, and magnesium, to make a high grade Al 7075-T651 alloy. this may take a long time. now for thermal protection. I have no idea how hot it will get and the only high durable heat resistant material I have Is steel. remotely controlling our craft is another thing unless orbital decay but we have to dual coat the heat shield and have all of the components in a ball and coat it and have a heat shielding coat on it and a parachute recovery system. but I would like a controlled recovery system. preferably a splash down with floats. I will post more later
  11. what are the new modules for 1.2.2. and how do I get the dds or mu file in blender.
  12. I want the iva with rpm
  13. Ok. So here is my plan, I want to do some good high quality IVA models with raster prop monitor. the thing is I don't know how, so that's pretty much why I am here for the community's help. I have a little knowledge of unity, C#, HTM,L, C++ (I know pretty well), and that is it. but just basic stuff like I may a watched a few YouTube videos on unity and c#.
  14. OK first of all this is going to be like a multi post so here i go. 1. making film cameras where you film what you want and then stop rolling the film and it is in your inventory. 2. asking about Huston and Telemachus mod if i want to put in my flight from anoter computer what do i do and is Huston updated 3 IVA RPM internals making. i have decide i want to make a couple of internals using rpm- advice needed may have a new thread. may edit later.
  15. i have a problem with this mod where the parts lock up and act invisible to the mouse to where I cant drag them
  16. But How Does the game engine calculate the trajectory it will take when you go to the mun and if you will sling shot and go in to interstellar space or a free return trajectory
  17. I know that they can all be described as elipses ,parabola, or hyperbola. but I want to know, if I make a burn where will I end up what path does it go, like if I go to the moon will I go to the sun on an escape, or will I get a free return.
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