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Everything posted by Daishi

  1. ...what Kerbalism config pack do you use? Replicated it with the science-only config pack. I'll have a chat with the Kerbalism devs
  2. The water one should be easy enough to fix, i'll have a look and see what Kerbalism is doing with the animations.
  3. Science parts too? Found and fixed Octocore was still missing so that's been patched again. What kind of issues? I guess if they're easy enough to fix and should be in our cfg files, it's on us
  4. We found it was missing a tech tree node, that's been patched and a hotfix will be available soon They should do, you could chuck em in a fresh install and give em a test for us
  5. Found and fixed. Thanks for the keen eye They only seem to be in the 1.9 folder in Onedrive. Backwards compatibility should be coming soon. Changelog (initial Pioneer update) ------------------------------------------- * This update is themed around interfacing with Beale's Tantares revamp, focused around the Russian segment of 50's to 70's space exploration. * New Vostok 1.25 -> 1.5m service module, with integrated monopropellant spheres, and an optional toridial fuel tank. This includes a socketed top to interface with a 0.625m acd\decoupler, and his equivalent Vostok crew capsule. Four bay, early tech tree. Integrated quadcore. Includes optional radiator module. * New Soyuz 1.25 -> 1.5m service module, adjustable to 1 - 4 high. Heights 2,3,4 have solar panels integrated into the doors. This also features the toroidal fuel tank, with fuel options. Four bay. Olive, white, grey, black themes. * New 1.25 -> 1.875m mini gemini service module, designed with an inset socket to house an 1.25m ACD\decoupler and the Restock MK1 capsule. Five bay. Two colour variants, two interior variants. * New variants to most of the ACDs to match their corresponding shroud. Olive, tan, silver, black, grey, etc. * New 1.5m cylindrical shroud, made to emulate the Vostok transfer stage\SM. Adjustable. Five bay, with toroidal tankage. Could include radiator modules. Olive, tan, silver, grey. Solar panels in the main bay doors. * New rounded domes on the 0.625 adaptor shrouds, designed to appear when the bottom node is used. * New Olive, white, grey, black skins on most existing shrouds. 0.625 adaptor shroud, 1.25m cylindrical, 2.5m cylindrical, 2.5m ACD. The 2.5m Olive and Tan variants are based off the Mir space station core body, and the Zvesta (ISS) core body. Both have modelled radiators. * New solar panels built into large bay doors on most shrouds. * New single high advanced probe core * New single high combo food and water bag, for early pioneering flights. Two variants. Changelog (issues found, to be hotfixed) ------------------------------------------- * Battery wedge is now set to basic science * Localization fixes to part descriptions, missing fields, etc. * 1.5m Bulkhead variant does not fill with fuel, and clashes with toroidal fuelswitching. * Some lag when switching solars on and off in the VAB. Be mindful and do this when the doors have finished deploying, and check that they're active and loaded in before launch. Tech tree rebalancing, misc fixes. Most of the shrouds were far too clumped up, and most electrics were far too late in the tech tree. Fuel cells are designed to be early alternatives before solar becomes affordable. * Shuffled a few things around in the tech tree , the Russian parts were originally placed with the original ones when they should have been a bit earlier. * Separated the cores and ACDs out to match the shrouds that fit them. Spread out the 1.25 & 2.5 sizes to a few nodes apart. * Moved the Vostok SM to be closer to the starting point * Moved the fuel cells to far earlier in the tree - at the placement they were, they had no window of usefulness when people could just grab solar. * Found that the octocore had no tech tree node defined. * Moved food and water to advanced exploration to match the larger manned processing lab, where long term crewed flight is expected. * Moved combo food\water bag to survivability, to bring it closer to earlier flights. * Moved battery to basic science * Moved H2 and O2 parallel to the fuel cell tech node in space exploration
  6. All ready on the release thread here
  7. Dmagic wrote both the US2 science .dll modules and DMOS in parallel, and they share an awful lot of code. I'm sure if X-Science can target one they should be able to target the other. Dmagic's wizardry is why US2 exists, after all
  8. You've done wonderful work on Tantares Beale, ya should be so proud of finishing it. One of the best interpretations of Russian hardware we've ever had Keep on rocking with those future projects
  9. Is that stock TAC thing though? I remember it never could process background EC drain properly when the craft wasn't focused. Far as I'm aware our parts plug into a carbon-copy of the TAC's generator module, so hopefully the mod isn't responsible. I'll see if i can replicate it. Great idea! Not to spoil too much, we actually have something in the works that might be perfect for what you're after
  10. I warn you, it's thicc but oh so perfect. Cobalt's ambition and drive never ceases to astound me.
  11. Stripped the paint off https://giant.gfycat.com/OpulentConcreteKoalabear.mp4
  12. Got a few more colour variants for ya Branched into Tantares Black and Grey, to match Beale's most recent revamped parts alongside that olive.
  13. Probably not sorry, larger diameters would really push the part count when filled with wedges, and i assume if your craft is gonna be huge you'd need a lot of em and that would kill performance. We did have plans for large single tanks for lifesupport, but that's been delayed slightly so we can get the mod feature complete before KSP2 (saying that, with all of their delays, who knows). It did take me a good six months just to get this upcoming set of small parts done, so I'd like to get the new stuff under my belt before getting bogged down again And yep, the update after the Pioneer launch will have a few new truss parts and a radial attachment wedge. Nothing much else to share right now though We've run into a snag with a certain part and the fuel switcher, plus there's a bit of balancing to do. Shouldn't be more than a few weeks. I kinda jumped the gun with the Reddit post
  14. Yep, I should be able to fix it. Consider that part (hopefully) explosion free in the next update
  15. It could be slightly exposed, yeah. Most of our parts are a smidgen larger than the stated diameters (due to clipping issues with wedges poking through the doors, and having the walls and collision meshes thick enough to ensure they seal around the wedges themselves) so it's probably what's happening. I'll check if i can tighten that 0.625m adaptor up.
  16. Maya and photoshop are my go-to tools Thanks!
  17. Yeah it might be easier to clone the part and define the resources in that, i'm not sure how well the US plugin plays with MM fuel switching.
  18. The visual UI thing showing multiple units of resources has been fixed, but the tanks do still seem to be reverting back to full when you return to the VAB. When Dmagic comes back from holiday i'll pass it on Also, radiator model is finished on the Vostok SM, plus we have a combination lifesupport wedge (food, water, o2) when space is tight! Annd not sure why these embeds are so small now. Full res here - https://giant.gfycat.com/ShadowyFlawlessIrishterrier.mp4
  19. That's a pretty big issue, i'm pretty sure it is? What version of the mod are you using? I'll give it a check tonight.
  20. Seriously, stuff like this makes me wonder why you're not doing a historically-based total game overhaul in the same vein as Restock. Everything you do is outstanding, and by this point you seem to have every type and piece of hardware covered. Bealeyboy could do the same with Making History. Imagine that as an extra game mode Keep being awesome!
  21. In game! Few more things to do and we'll have a fresh update for all you testers soon
  22. Almost there! Unfortunately the 1.875m cylindrical will have to wait (again); i'd rather get this next update out within the decade and not draw things out even longer. Just the import into unity and a few final specular and normal map steps to go, and fingers crossed we'll have a beta build very soon!
  23. The quadcore got some really bad oscillation with autostrut turned on, so we removed it a while back to stop peoples craft exploding under stress. Sooo you guys seem to have a current dev build instead of an early release build Solar isn't ready yet, so the development tools are still turned on in the configs. In each parts corresponding .cfg file there is a USSolarSwitch module, with a DebugMode set to true. Setting it to false will turn off the directional indicator lines. Coming soon!
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