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    Curious George

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  1. I have a question about bioloff. Would putting radiators on the non-refrigerated fuel tank reduce or eliminate boiloff from that tank, or will it have no effect? I ahve seen someone do this with RO but not sure if that would work on its own.
  2. I have trouble with visual effects for some engines, namely fulcrum and O-2. I am using KSP 1.3.1 and MOLE 1.10.2. For Fulcrum, there is no visual effect at all (no engine fire even though it is activbe and produces thrust) while for O-2 it appears to be active even though its not. (no thrust, engine not active, but engine fire coming out of the nozzles). Any idea as to what might be causing it? I'm not running mods such as realplume.
  3. Will the current version work with 1.3.1? And if not, where can I download previous versions?
  4. Well after some tweks here and there, and minor cleanup fo my gamedata, i managed to make KSP playable again. Currently, with memgraph, it goes to 11GB usage in title screen, then gradually rises towards 20-ish. I usually decide to restart once it passes 22GB, because then its a matter of time untill it crashes on me. I still have some stutter, especially when decoupling/undicking large chunks of spacecraft, but i am kinda rulctant to increase memgraph memory in cfg, seeing how im already right at the margin.
  5. Does this mod only help with stutter, or will it also help avoiding/delaying a memory crash? I have 24GB of RAM and excrementsload of mods in my game, so after a couple times for flight reverting the game crashes to desktop.
  6. Where can I find up-to date RPM configs? Do the ones from january 2017 still work?
  7. What about the fact that there are no city lights? By oddities on bodies, you mean the Mun as well? I didn't know scatterer influenced that as well. Also, if I go into mod setup via one of the buttons at KSC it yells at me that there are config files missing for Eve and something else.
  8. Hello there, I was using SVE recently, but then I found this, realised I have been using it back in 0.23-ish days. My nostalgy drive kicked in, I removed SVE and all of its dependencies (manual install). And then I proceeded to install this pack via ckan. All was downloaded, no errors and such. But then, in-game there are issues. Wierd flickering of light in atmospheric bodies, almost like (i suppose those aren't meant to be thunderstorms, right?). Missing city lights on Kerbin and a broken Mun. (And then there's the wierd Duna eclipse, but that might scaterrer's problem. I have uploaded a short video to demonstrate:
  9. I will try that. There are more pictures in the imgur link at the top of the first screenshot, gear should be visible there. I am adjusting things here and there, and while I have gotten to a point where it takes off (barely), it still swerves a lot on the runway. Interestingly, it seems to be stable on landing. I have also added pictures of the other aircraft mentioned to the first post. This one is a turbojet tricycle gear, also has the swerving issue. The gear is aligned to the ground, its the adjustable gear mod, hence the suspension is angled, but the wheel is straight.
  10. I am using TAC Life support and Modular Fuel tanks (among other mods). Is it possible that the problem with fuel tanks being initially empty also corresponds to command pods not having any oxygen/food/water/etc? I can add it manually through action group menu in VAB.
  11. Hello there. I have been playing KSP since 0.19 if my memory serves me right, quickly became one of my favorites. It always combined well with my technical and scientific interests, which include, but aren't limited to ballistics, aviation and space travel. Apparently I am registered since 2013, but I didn't even remember about that, even though I have been reading the forums. Well, I figured its about time to perhaps start posting something. And on that note, does anyone know after how many posts moderator approval is no longer needed?
  12. Thank you for your input. I have tried larger elevators nad scaled up front gear to lift the nose, undortunately that didn't help. The flaps are below the wing, the rest is ailerons, and you have a point in saying these are too close to CoM. Thank you for the suggestions. I have made tests and made sure that the tail wheel is well on the ground when the swerve occurs. Since it's a prop plane, I was even wondering if proppeler inertia is simulated, since the plane always swerves left. However, the other design mentioned was a jet with tricycle gear and had the exact same issue. I will try the friction adjustment. So far I have also noted that the swerve always occurs at 39m/s. It feels like its corresponding to the red stability derivative there, but I have no idea why or how to counteract it (if that's even right.) EDIT: Lowering friction on forward gear postponed the swerving, but they still appeared during the roll, this time at about 46 m/s.
  13. I have been using FAR since KSP 0.21, so I'd say I at least understand basics. I'm not exactly sure what all of FAR specific data mean, but I have flown planes with and without FAR, though with FAR i haven't built any overly ambitious constructions. The plane which I am searching for pictures of (earlier KSP version design which also had same problem) did fly. And quite well and stable, minus some pitch oscillations around mach 2. It also had the same issue as this plane (runway leer) but it could be corrected both on takeoff and landing. It is safe to say I know basic principles of plane design. I am also somewhat familiar with real-world aircraft.
  14. I seem to be having a little problem with my planes on takeoff. That's three separate designs now, so I have no idea what's wrong, and in fact I can't see much in common between them. They all have the exact same problem though. On the runway, during takeoff roll, a particular speed comes when the aircraft starts leering of the center of the runway. It should be noted that I am using FAR and I'm not really an expert with plane design, even though i enjoy it. Right coming back to the case, I present to you most recent of these troublesome designs. It is in no way a spaceplane, as one can see by its engine. Hence it was designed with low-speed, low-altitude performance in mind. However, the runawy sideslip is fatal on takeoff, the plane ususally rips off a wingtip, rotates around it and comes to stop, sliding backwards. I have also found a description of it that I've written. Both for RP purposes and as notes for myself in case i come back to it after a longer break:
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