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Everything posted by Darnok

  1. https://www.apple.com/legal/rfexposure/iphone5,1/en/ http://consumers4safephones.com/apple-warns-customers-to-never-use-or-carry-an-iphone-in-your-pocket/ Very scientific way of thinking Well not brain cells, but they are in our bodies http://www.cnet.com/news/report-cell-phone-use-could-reduce-sperm-count/
  2. So you are suggesting that Kryten accually made experiments with magnetic fields affecting human brain and now he is saying about it, not about something he read somewhere? - - - Updated - - - You are looking too close to science and experiments results and you can't see big picture. I did You didn't answered my question, look for answer and you will understand that correlation.
  3. You didn't answered my questions, if we know it was harmful why it was released on world wide market? Those are not analogies, those are correlations and that is scientific
  4. I am doing science here just on different layer you and few other people in here. If cell phones and flying on high altitudes is so safe why there are gathered informations and data for statistics about cancer or any other harmful effects? Only reason to spend money and waste scientists time on that kind of scientific experiments is that nobody is 100% sure those things are 100% safe. That is why they need to constantly gather data and monitor their lab rats... I mean consumers. You can find plenty of sources backing up this one It is cheaper to produce and study things (something that is not lethal) after you release it on market and then make experiments and gather data about humans in real environment and environment itself, than simulate real environment in lab and try to find harmful effects. Well and I doubt it you can simulate all effects in lab, for example simulate passengers using cell phones on a plane at 10km without taking your hands off the ground As for things being harmful, I said about lead in fuel and toys, are you deny that lead is harmul? Or that lead was being used in fuel for common cars? If you agree with things I said then please use science to explain to me how lead was added to fuel on global scale, while simple lab experiment should show how harmful it is? Does freon is harmful? Wiki says: Who? Why? How that poison was mass produced and used in almost EVERY house? It is not only harmful for humans, but it also was able to destroy ozone layer and we still are harmed by lack of protection against UV. Those things should be checked in lab? Why they weren't? Why anyone released it on market? Yet another "conspiracy theory" not historical fact?
  5. Of course magnetic field won't affect your brain in same way it affects copper wire, because neurons are not made with copper, but that doesn't mean it won't affect your brain at all.
  6. Last time I checked human brain was composed of neurons that transmit electrical signals and magnetic fields does affect electricity.
  7. Right and that is why you have to turn off phone in plane and in hospital.
  8. Strong magnetic field and radiation isn't enough?
  9. You should exclude people that died in car crash or killed someone because they were using phone while driving. Where is statistics now? Isn't most accidents happen in houses or in offices where is old cable phone? Those are excuses because you want to choose lesser evil, but you think only for your self. Think about this... what if cell phone would damage your cells in way your kids would pay for that, would that makes it still worth it? I am not saying it does damage genes, but we can't say it doesn't, there is no way to check it and be 100% sure and most of you agree with this Sad thing is kids that were using phones since they learned how to read are still kids and to get any reasonable statistics we have to wait until next generation (until they will have kids). More experiments on humans :/
  10. I am saying we shouldn't say we are absolutely sure that cell phones are 100% safe and they won't harm our bodies.
  11. You have very strong FAITH in science... that is irony Science is extensible, I don't have faith in science but in progression of science and sometimes to make step forward you have to first make few steps back. So putting your life on current science is naive for me. Simplest way to explain it... look at speed v = d/t it is simple and everyone know this. It is correct for bikes, cars and even planes. Does that means it solves every movement we can observe? Is it also correct for planets, stars and satellites in high orbit? Well I am pretty sure, if at the time when this equation was first wrote there would be a Nobel prize then guy who wrote this equation would get it but since then people extended this equation a bit. Same way I am thinking about every aspect of science... I don't have faith in current discoveries and equations, because in near future they will be extended or even replaced. It is very naive to say FOR SURE what kind of radiation does and what doesn't harm life since we have no idea how to create life, we are missing something then. When we learn it, when we gather all puzzles and answer all questions starting with "how..." and "why..." then saying it is stupid to doubt it, will be reasonable for me. You didn't fixed it, you refused to think other way. I know how statistics works, that is why I doubt it so much... I don't doubt in equations but in human interpretations. And your post just proves my point, most people using statistics are making mistakes. If you can't distinguish cause of cancer you are accepting it as natural, that is mistake, because there is chance it is not natural and you are responsible for this one person getting cancer. As for your castles, can you check on lab rat how cell phone is going to affect for him if he is using it for 40+ years? You can't because 40 years ago there was no cell phones with touch screens, with batteries build like today and there was no satellites or poles sending waves to cell phones. Companies can't check every new piece of their smartphones or tablets for few years in laboratory it would be obsolete if they would do that so they are using statistics and us as test subjects. That is my point, we are all test subjects of experiments for large corporations. There is no way to check how cell phones or flying planes is affecting humans in laboratory, you have to sell it and use statistics to decide... are we investing to make this technology less harmful or it is acceptable or indistinguishable from natural causes.
  12. I can say same thing One more thing... how science checked cell phones? Did they put working cell phone near living cell and were waiting for 10 or 20 years to see what will happen?
  13. So if you can't distinguish cause of cancer you accept it as natural occurence? It's very disturbing for someone who valuates life not statistics. If you think about car as only way to travel that is true, you have no other choice than use road. But if you consinder other ways/vehicles you may travel without roads, then slipperiness wouldn't be issue. Same thing is with radiation, right now most corparations is using "some technology" because they have access to that "technology" and not to other. Those corporations invented cell phones because there was demand for that kind of device on market and cell phones are generating some radiation and right now I am sure there will be many scientists saying it is ok and it won't harm people because radiation levels are too low... sadly people are forgetting about history. About 50-60 years ago huge oil corporations were selling fuel for cars with led, you had led in toys and in paint. Right now nobody dares to deny it was harming not only us humans, but also environment, but back then some scientists said "it is ok, you don't have to worry about that, we checked led levels and they are not causing any health issues". What changed this? Simple bussines, today oil corporation have new technology that allows them to refine fuel without led Because you said so? How do you know that? As long as science have no idea how to create life starting with just bunch of atoms, we can't say for sure what kind of radiation can harm life and what won't. It maybe very difficult to measure how cell phone is affecting your body cells, because there are many types of cells in our bodies. Some effects after reciving too much harmful radiation may occur in future generations, maybe on your children or even later.
  14. So if only you get cancer after reciving 80mSv doesn't matter, because 1 person on 1000 test subjects is not important or acceptable loss? No, I won't ague about two different radiation types, but I will argue if anyone would want to deny that using phone and being in range of its radiation is not increasing cancer risk.
  15. So according to chart posted by @PakledHostage 100mSv can increase cancer risk, but 99mSv or 98mSv doesn't increase cancer risk at all? Well I am looking at those limits in different way Phones produce 0 radiation interesting... Brotoro could you please check that one?
  16. I agree they are not terrorists, because terrorists use fear as weapon. Anonymous didn't threaten anyone... of course shutting down goverment site was a crime, so they are criminals, but it should not be called as terrorist attack.
  17. Does Earth magnetic field protects us from radiation? http://www.livescience.com/46694-magnetic-field-weakens.html If magnetic field is unstable it can cause radiation spikes even on ground level? What about additional heat, is it possible that part of Earth where magnetic field is weaker is bit hotter... source for climate change and weather anomalies? Also what about "safe" radiation limits they where increased during last 50 years, does weaker magnetic field can pass enough radiation to be source of cancer on global scale?
  18. Nice ring, and I hope you are wrong about that kind of things making orbit in next version
  19. I know it is someones work and that work looks nice and graphics is important for most people, but that is just few new animations and little different textures... it won't add anything new to game for me.
  20. But if gravity speed is same as light then it should have same structure and we should be able to study it in similar ways?
  21. Lets say I just increased mass of Sun 10 times, light needs over 8 minutes to travel to us, how long it takes for the gravity to pull Earth into Sun?
  22. Nothing new I guess http://www.buran-energia.com/energia/energia-consti-1eretage.php
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