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Everything posted by Darnok

  1. Global warming doesn't exists... look at last 400.000 years
  2. Darnok


    Hej (10 znaków)
  3. I made this in older version KronalUtils... hope that counts Original size I have to check this new one
  4. My 3rd Mun landing mission part 1 part 2 part 3
  5. ahhh you were first with that kind of answer... 30 years
  6. Any change for more screens? Not only entire ship, but separate modules?
  7. Space 1999 Eagle... not replica just trying to make something similar and useful for my missions No SAS and bugged mechjeb :/
  8. All 100% stock (just made few screens with fairings, because they look better:) ) Ascender 10 can lift 10 tons to 75x75 km orbit 15 tons to 95x95 km orbit 20 tons to 85x85 km orbit 26 tons to 80x80 km orbit. 32 tons to 80x80 km orbit. 40 tons to 85x85 km 50 tons to orbit 60 tons to orbit 70 tons to orbit 80+ tons soon
  9. Great idea... pages are too slow imo, in subassemblies tab pages are super slow for me.
  10. Not a dollar bill Sir, but we all are slaves, because our paper money value is decreased by banks. And it doesn't matter if you get loan or work less you are slave because you are part of slave society. If people around you take loans value of your money is decreased that is main reason why we all are slaves and it is not going to change unless banking system is going back to gold deposits.
  11. I see resources as mid and late carrier mode feature. After we gather lots of science and unlock most of parts contracts may seem little boring. We could get new contracts types like "Get rare metal/mineral from asteroid", "Get HEL-3 from Mun" etc etc. It could even be something better, we should be able to change our Kerbal Space Agency into private company that can transport recourses for contractors and get money from it. Or invest science, money and reputation into new tech tree and build mine, refinery, permament base and make money from it. I know that it would be like "space sim", but how long we can play and discover new things all the time? We got finite number of parts, planets and moons. Not to mention that resources in multiplayer game would be nice reason for some hybrid multiplayer-carrier mode, so with finite resources players would have to expand and create bigger and better rockets and crafts to earn money faster
  12. I hope they will, they can call it even "rocket builder desk" just let me do this in stock game (+ some stats like name, weight... for each rocket)!!!
  13. KronalUtils plugin is amazing Original size (HUGE)
  14. That is bad for me I've started to make this and somehow I found this and now I want to put both into one rover
  15. It has little that means global warming should be on Mars, just bit slower than on Earth, don't forget that Mars is smaller and doesn't have cool oceans. We do need more oxygen, 100+mln years ago there was more oxygen and it was great for plans and animals, why you think it can be bad for humans? I know the difference, but if you can't predict weather in climate, how can you be sure you can predict climate? Countries being in debt is NOT NATURAL SIR!!! Look at history, every country that had debt was destroyed by stronger country without debt.
  16. What other gases? If on Mars you have 95% you can only have 5% other gases?
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