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Everything posted by Pappystein

  1. Has to be a conflicting mod issues, I have never seen this in my Build. Over the years several mods have caused issues with BDB combined parts EG Gemini Dockingport/decoupler failing to un-dock due to Tweakable Everything. RCS not turning on or off (again Tweakable Everything) and not having the correct/curent Deployable engines (extending bell engines) are the ones I can most commonly think of. Might want to verify your dependencies for BDB are up to date, as well as what mods you both have and see if any are common that could cause issues. ***EDIT*** given this seems to be an ongoing issue... Photos including the exact engine versions would be beneficial.
  2. NICE WORK! Of course part of the fun in this is the rocket serial numbers were SA-x, or SA-XXX (SA-1 to SA-5 were the "pre production" Blk I Saturns... SA-5 was upgraded to near Blk II standards during construction and ended up being the pathfinder for the Saturn I Blk 2 production batch (so depending on source SA-5 is listed as Blk I or Blk II because it was both!) SA-1xx were the Saturn I Blk II as ordered craft. SA-2xx were the Saturn IB variants. And of course the missions were coded... AS-xxx and almost BUT NOT ALWAYS matched the First Stage serial number (EG SA-201 would fly as AS-201) Only the first 5 test launches kept their serial number as the mission number (SA-1 to SA-5 were both first stage serial numbers and mission numbers said stages launched on)
  3. It has already been mentioned but I have been playing with this, and other than some niggling issues I really like it for BDB. The issues are how the Corona parts get separated etc...
  4. Kassler, since you have had problems multiple times now. ***HOW*** are you installing the mods. Are you just downloading them from Spacedock/github and doing it the old fashion, more precise but much more fiddly manual copy to your GameData, or are you using CKAN? If you are using CKAN note that adding and removing mods can result in "ghost" files in your GameData directory. Files that you and CKAN THINK are gone but are still there. IMHO 99% of the time the remnants are of no issues but 1% of the times this will bite you in the butt! I personally only started using CKAN continuously earlier this year, after having played this game since BEFORE CKAN was a thing. Each time I remove a mod via CKAN I go and manually delete everything not SQUAD from my GameData and re-install everything again. This reduces "Ghost files" and lowers the chance of something hidden being problematic for your play-through.
  5. Aero Physics, while not perfect was fixed in V 1.0 something or other. I am talking about the really bad aero physics from like V0.36 where if you put 30 canards at the front and 30 canards at the rear of a structure you could infinite glide it just by deflecting the surfaces up and down slowly. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Infinite_glider Besides EVEN FAR is far far far from close to perfect.
  6. Yeah sorry that is what I would have recommended (no wings on Pegasus) I forget not everyone has my experience with blowing the game up due to too many wings up top and a rocket literally Krackening the game to a Hard computer lock and KSP being corrupted on reboot That was like 10 years ago now
  7. Sorry yes I was. Mount it on top? Set the Aircraft into either level flight or a slight descent. Decouple, Pitch up, Kick the motor and go? I have thought about launching the Pegasus on a Finned Titan I or Titan II as well (not certain how that would work but it can't be worse than Minotaur/Pegasus Minotaur C, right?
  8. Doesn't Kerbal Foundries have a much bigger landing gear set you can use (I am asking because I don't remember, I haven't used KF since Shadowmage was active in the forums)
  9. That aircraft looks like a pain to take off in! Such a narrow wheelbase and big heavy things hanging under the wings.
  10. It has been noted that my posts often seems to "squeeze" in right before the forum goes down in modern history.... Hence the joke
  11. You know, I have been playing is Version 0.18 of KSP. You would think I would know that! Just tested, for your first launch that way IF THE ROCKET survives 5 science
  12. First I love the organization and goal of this tree. Something I have long wished for! Even with USI Sounding rockets installed... if you are doing a purly science Career the tree won't work... I had to cheat 10 Science to get things started (the USI Sounding Rockets first science unlocks are after having 1 science already.) Also a small suggestion beyond moving at least one USI sounding rocket science to start. Could you please Put some of the "I only have one use with this other group of parts" parts all in the same node. Specifically the Gambit/Samos return bucket. You are mid-career before you unlock the heat-shield or return SRM they are well behind the Parachute and actual Return Bucket in terms of science Unlocks.
  13. Yeah I am aware of Koose. I had a backup of its OG zip on my old WD NAS but it was one of the ones affected by the "Virus" where it was purged and the drives left badly mangled... The Zip was not intact after rescuing it from the rotten drives. Either way it was made for KSP 0.18 and earlier and would have needed a complete re-build to work with modern KSP... it was the size of a Mk1/Mercury pod so I just use BDB's Mercury pod in role with some scaled down Airbrakes (1/4 scale) top provide the extra breaking assistance. I just thought it was cute (specifically the Air-brake/Chute on top) and it is literally the last part from back then I would need to re-create some of the stations I used to build. It was the first instance of a functional Air Brake in KSP (predating BAC9's for the B9 Plane pack)
  14. I just checked some of my old posts and they still have images. Likely due to using the "Post" vs Embedded Image features of Imgur???
  15. As GoldForest stated, the fact that the SLA has two nodes one right on top of the other is a constant problem when building a Saturn V type rocket with Lunar module. BUT there are also certain mods that can cause problems with BDB parts (TweakableEverything is a prime culprit and in my opinion should be considered in-compatible with BDB!) Is this a rocket YOU made or is it an existing Craft File from Frizznit that is included in the BDB Zip download? Follow the Troubleshooting steps as laid-out in my signature below. In the future, please do not share images from Discord. Discord deletes them after only a couple hours so it is impossible for us to help you with your images. Rather you can copy the image yourself and put it on a picture hosting website (I use Imgur.com because it has some native features in the KSP forums) If that doesn't help you you will have to provide KSP logs via a file sharing site because you have a mod interaction that is blocking the proper deployment.
  16. dang, Took my favorite "pre release" KSP mod I was playing on V0.21 and brought them up to snuff very nicely! Now I have to reproduce my old patch file to convert them to LH2. The only old school V0.18 to V.23 mod I am missing is the OG Escape pod (pod shaped thing with a combined airbrake/parachute on top) It went defunct and lost with the move to Curseforge. I don't even remember the name of it now....
  17. Nice work there on all the Cluster Saturn I rockets! Now get to making the UA1205/1206F Saturn I and the Saturn I Monohull! *I JOKE I JOKE* RE S-V. "Nearly Identical" is both more and less correct than it seems. Von Braun HATED, ABSOLUTELY HATED, the idea of Balloon tanks, He did not trust them and it was only well into the Atlas Agena campaign out of the Cape before he grudgingly accepted the of such devices. So to meet needs Convair designed the S-V utilizing the Centaur "waterline" but using a much thicker gauge sheet steel that had extra reinforcements. The extra mass was offset by using the RL10-B3 (XLR-119 USAF designation where RL10-A3 is LR-115) engine with its higher thrust. The Higher thrust was greater than the mass gain and thus S-V stage was more efficient/powerful than standard Centaur. Note I said Convair Designed S-V.... Not NASA Lewis. It was NASA Lewis Research center that "fixed" Centaur and designed all follow on Centaurs until Centaur III. Incidentally Centaur III's actual designation is Centaur D.3 . It is also Lewis who screwed up the naming convention for the Centaur family as laid out by Convair which makes researching them FUN. Lewis Research would re-design The S-V a total of 2 times after fixing Centaur A (latter Centaur D because of their nomenclature screw-up/inconsistencies)
  18. Has anyone actually made their own Space Suit in KSP? We know of many that are re-colors of existing suits including in BDB but I am unaware of any "NEW" suits. Would love for someone to prove me wrong however
  19. Depends, are you using any aerodynamic mods? The X-15 is a pretty simple bird to make. But it is hard to make PERFECT Most of this is in placement. Turn Symetry off and add one wing surface at a time seems to help me.
  20. Raidernick built his stuff of of FASA which utilized 5, 3.75, 2.5, and 1.25m diameters only.... *shudder* remembers *THAT* conversation..... nevermind you do not need to know how opinionated I was am... just realize that I may be opinionated but I realize they are opinions and my opinion and thus entire viewpoint **CAN AND WILL** change. Having used KSRSS 2.5, JNSQ and Galileo, I ended up preferring JNSQ. KSRSS gets a little too real at times and not real enough at other times. JNSQ doesn't pretend to be realistic at all. Just a rescaled Kerbin system with a couple extra planets and other changes etc. Galileo is a fun change but very outdated. But hey... JUST my opinion.
  21. I mean, CobaltWolf has said doing stage 1 Europa I, II and III which as I recall are the basis for many of the ETS Euro rockets.
  22. Awe man you mean I will have to put away my BREXIT BlueStreak? (yes I still have those files from a million years ago) I can't wait to see where this goes! I seriously can not wait until this is playable... Lots of fun toys in the inital posts already!
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