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Everything posted by Souper

  1. Who needs milk when i have Doritos inside my Moonbase? - - - Updated - - - BTW www.micdoodle8.com There you'll find Galacticraft
  2. By transferring my consciousness into a machine, i turn myself into..... Blade Human! I pull out a rocket propelled chainsaw and kill the next poster.
  3. Blade wolf has heat vision, and locates you. After he shred you to pieces, he attacks the next poster (if you are pallidium corp again, he will eat you)
  4. Realizing that i am EXTREMELY brave, I jumped with knowledge of surviving falls, and i bend my legs, don't lock them up, and try to grab things on my way down. I survive with no injuries. There is an ominous looking door over there. And a strange noise is heard right behind me. Non-holographic spiny hands massage my shoulders and a cold emotionless voice says "You look tasty...." "Don't turn around! HeheHEHEHAHA"
  5. I deflect it with the Blade Wolf impostor (a hunk of sharp objects duct taped together in a wolf like shape), keeping me safe from all harm. I then teleport to Kerbin and unleash the REAL Blade Wolf on you (11JRidding again), to attack the next poster!
  6. I head for the door in the other corridor, and i am now free! Outside, at last! I am in a old mountain pathway. I estimate there to be 2 miles of unstable wooden trail, possibly leading to civilization, or the much more safe path to the bottom of the mountain. Which way?
  7. I am on Bop, remember? you are on a restaurant on Kerbin. Attack denied. I invent LQ-84i (Blade Wolf (11JRidding)) and program him to attack the next poster.
  8. Turbulence should keep you grounded!
  9. ...with fear. the universe implodes because Jeb can NEVER be scared. New story in another alternate universe!
  10. Who needs trains when you have Hyperspace?
  11. News report! Atmospheric pressure at Eve Sea Level: 73.47974700196106 pounds per square inch (PSI) Max temperature on Eve: 302 F Min temperature on Eve: -40.36 F There.
  12. Wait! The maximum temperature on Eve can only go to 302 F! It can't reach 400 F!
  13. That means we could survive 12 - 18 seconds on the surface.
  14. Theoretically, if there were no acid-crazy winds, could you survive for at least 30 seconds or longer? 5 atmospheres, 1.7 g, and 300-400 degrees Fahrenheit. You can survive a sauna at 200 degrees Fahrenheit, and that's little humidity. But eve has almost no humidity in the nonexistent clouds, so would we survive for at LEAST 30 seconds (it should be easier on us because humidity makes heat more dangerous) Other then exhaustion, what would we suffer from running? Without a spacesuit? - - - Updated - - - (we wouldn't be breathing and we would hold our breath)
  15. Am i doing it right? - - - Updated - - - The rules are complicated, i did my best to comprehend them.
  16. Then my backup one-man-army shows up!
  17. My army shows up to kill you on foot! On slow moving vehicles!
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