Year 2311: After lots of listening in on the FTL probe, the kerbals discover weird aliens. They are VERY similar to kerbals, but they have grey skin, huge pitch-black eyes, and long limbs. They are emotionless. Hate for this one to go to waste.
Year 34545755234436546: Emmet kerman arives on a kerbin with a toxic atmosphere, and ruins of an advanced civilization. Good thing he just so happened to have his lucky gas mask. He found a time machine and went to the past.
Year 2014: The Democrats launch an all-out attack on Thin Islands, which results in the assasination of The Komunist forces's leader. Democracy takes over kerbin.
Granted. Your reputation sinks to bellow -64576577588765435436658678e+=342. (roblox noob mode activated) GIVE ME MAI SODAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!1lol rofl 1337 LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I R L33T!!!!!!!
Year 1070: The Glitch war ends with a mysterious company called "SQUAD,INC" coming into the picture. Somehow, some way, the glitches stop, and protesters back down and hand over the evebal tech. Then, they are all executed.