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Everything posted by Souper

  1. Year 1030: As the world descends into chaos, Merlin Kerman puts himself in stasis (newly invented) until the year 2000.
  2. Thus making the 4th dimension. Also, remember that string theory is only a theory.
  3. Think. If you stacked infinite 3D cubes along the W axis you can make animation. Animation = time.
  4. I win because hax. The next poster dies because hax.
  5. Banned because i have a 2D chainsaw that just broke.
  6. Granted. He's ugly. Everyone blames you for it, and the slaughter you with chainsaws. I wish for the next poster to turn into a duck right after saying "Granted, but-"
  7. Wrong. If you are a 5D object you can move 4D, wich is, essentially, time.
  8. Sorry, but humanity WILL keep trying.
  9. Granted. The universe gives you a BSoD. I wish for K10 Deluxe Heavy Lifter, maxed out.
  10. 0 dimensions: Static Point. 1 dimension: Infinite line. 2 dimensions: Infinite Square. 3 dimensions: Infinite 3D shape. Can contain other shapes. 4 dimensions: Our world. This one is animated because time. 5 dimensions: World with all alternate time lines present at once. 6 dimensions: World with ALL timelines, even impossible timelines, all present at once. 7 dimensions: Infinite Multiverse with all possible physics laws outcomes existing at the same time. 8 dimensions: Infinite Multiverse with all possible, even impossible physics (There IS such a thing) and outcomes at the same time. 9 dimensions: Everything above. 10 dimensions: A weird infinite multiverse without any physics at all, and anything and everything happens. Pretty scary. 11 dimensions: Everything above, infinity'd. Is correct?
  11. Banned because: Wrong. F-. 0 dimensions: Static Point. 1 dimension: Infinite line. 2 dimensions: Infinite Square. 3 dimensions: Infinite 3D shape. Can contain other shapes. 4 dimensions: Our world. This one is animated because time. 5 dimensions: World with all alternate time lines present at once. 6 dimensions: World with ALL timelines, even impossible timelines, all present at once. 7 dimensions: Infinite Multiverse with all possible physics laws outcomes existing at the same time. 8 dimensions: Infinite Multiverse with all possible, even impossible physics (There IS such a thing) and outcomes at the same time. 9 dimensions: Everything above. 10 dimensions: A weird infinite multiverse without any physics at all, and anything and everything happens, at the same time. Pretty scary. 11 dimensions: Everything above, infinity'd. There.
  12. Banned because i have a way to convert myself to other dimensions.... CREATING MINI CONTROLLED BIG BANG FOR INFINITE UNIVERSE WITH INFINITE SUPER'S...... STACKING INFINITE SUPER'S...... TRANSFERING SUPER'S INTO 3D SUPER... DONE. Hah! You can't ban me now 'cause i exist along time and can move through 3D objects. Wait, if you transform yourself into 5D and touch me.......OSHI-
  13. Banned because I have a 11D "OH ****!!!â„¢" chainsaw.
  14. IT'S TRUE!...... The user bellow me is neither a program nor user, but a cyborg dinosaur???
  15. Year 1011: [CURRENT DATE] Modern Jeb, Bill, and Bob come together as astronauts.
  16. Year 1009: Komputer Games are invented, and incorperated into the KISS, and almost all other spacecraft.
  17. Granted. You never leave it again, and die of hunger. I wish the next poster couldn't make a wish.
  18. "Wait, That's not grass, that's a creeper! AAAAAAAH-"
  19. I summon Chuck Norris, who then looks at the SRB, thus scaring the SRB so bad that it turns toward the next poster.
  20. Year 980: After 45 years of reasearch, budget gaining, and a Klenderman truce, the Alcibierre drive is created, and the first Starship is created. The Starship travels to a planet called "Earth", and to the inhabitants of Earth, the starship's crash is known as the "Roswell Incident"
  21. True, i'm lazy. The user bellow me is a secret illegal sentient program...LET'S GET 'EM!!!
  22. YOU AGAIN!... Banned for being my secret freindWORST ENEMY.
  23. Destruction of MLP and brony-kind once and for all, or Jebediah Kerman to be your little brother?
  24. Sol System. My scientific influence is larger there, because i can bring rocks and other things to humanity.
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