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Everything posted by Lupi

  1. I mean, nobody thinks kerbal looks like this: and especially not like this: A few screenshots, tastefully labeled like Dok_377 said, should be fine! Plus yeha, it was an -art- contest so i'm glad a lot a few paintings and highly processed stuff got in, even if that means clouds added in w/photo editing
  2. That's not exactly what I asked in either case. I was asking about making a composite image where i impose one of my Kerbal rockets over a real photograph of a launch (as many launch photos from NASA are public domain (and thus hopefully avoid copyright issues), or I have a personal library of rocket launch photos I have taken) I was not asking to use NASA's logo. I think you answered someone else about the image compositing elsewhere, though, and it appears to be fine?
  3. Supplmentary question, if it's a photo you have personally taken, is it alright then?
  4. Yeah, a distinct artist's signature is what i meant, like what I sign my real life rocket photos with! Thanks for the clarification! (just to be clear this is not a submission, just my example of signing my work lol)
  5. Also, another question: Is the use of public domain (IE, NASA) imagery fine, if i wanted to photoshop my rocket in front of a NASA launch
  6. Also, it's fine if we have signatures and such on our work, correct? Those won't be (deliberately) taken out or covered over?
  7. i think that's only present when you have KER installed, maybe.
  8. Yes, it is enough. Everything will spawn, because the spawning of the surface features is based on the ROCSeed value. This is literally the only difference between a 1.6 save and a DLC save. I'd imagine they had their reasons for not making it an option. Also, they're nowhere near as rare as easter eggs. If you're in the right biome, you'll be able to find a handful within a kilometer or two of wherever you land. The most i ever had to drive was like 10km, except on Kerbin where they're intentionally sparse, because Kerbin has way too much science as it is. For example, see duna: all these shadows are small ones, and there's some visibly large ones that are a few pixels across. My rover is dead center of screen, and the skycrane is off to the side, 1.5km away,
  9. In response to some of the more passionate folk here, Orbiter has been free since 2000. How could Squad DARE to charge money for Kerbal? The gall of those guys.
  10. Hey, they're hiring for at least 3 other positions if you click on the banner at the top of the forums! There's probably still room to apply for -something.-
  11. Yeah, past merch wasn't exactly stellar. The best stuff I've gotten was stuff I received as a gift for doing KSPTV, and that wasn't all exactly high volume. I don't think it's for a lack of interest, i mean, look at all the stuff they had at PAX. They evidently wanna make stuff, they just might not know what. That papercraft Val was cool. (oh cool tweets embed)
  12. Have you heard anything back? I'm gonna be up front and say I have
  13. I'm sure a company as big as Take Two knows who to work with and has suppliers in mind already.
  14. 3d printed craft was a third party service that ceased operations like a year or two ago. agreed on some of the other stuff, though. I'm sure private division has ideas.
  15. It was by their online form service. this was the auto confirmation. I"m just not sure what to expect/hope for.
  16. Do they send letters of rejection or do we just assume nothing if we don't hear back in the affirmative?
  17. How long do you think it'll be until we hear back?
  18. If we're applying based on this forum post, what would best fit in "how did you hear about this job?"
  19. I'm sure Snark is working on a compatibility patch, or someone else might be! Just give it time!
  20. Here's a good list of things you can do 1. Check that ReStock was installed correctly. You could have dropped it in wrong, and have GameData/GameData/ReStock. 2. Once you've confirmed that and it is indeed loading correctly... did you know that every so often, Kerbal automatically backs up your persistent.cfg file in your save? It keeps five of these. drag one of those out, one from before you installed restock, and load it using alt+f9 or the load option in the pause menu.
  21. I never had that issue while I was testing! I put lights on everything, so I'd hopefully have caught it.
  22. If a stock part has a drag cube of like x,y,z, the restock part is hardcoded to have the same. It's designed to be purely visual in every case given. Why not actually do the diligence and let them know your concern before assuming it's true?
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