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Everything posted by TechnicalK3rbal

  1. whoops. Guess I misread the stock barometer 'n stuff.
  2. Sometimes I honestly think its just to make people mad. However, in some cases, I.E., native Alaskans, its OK because they been doing it for who knows how long. With some limits, of course. It shouldn't just be done for sport. Until we can clone them cheaply enough to kill them for sport. EDIT: Yeah, I got SR spacecraft Engineer!
  3. it should be around 3000-4000, similar to kerbin.
  4. any way to apply for admin? or did I miss omething about asking?
  5. Yes, look at the licenses distributed with the mods. Also, minecraft mod packs, (FTB, tekkit, etc....) all have PERMISSION from the mod developers to be released as something else. Not so with most KSP mods.
  6. Wasn't complaining simply stating the fact -nudge-
  7. there would be the obligatory PS3 version, of course...
  8. I wouldn't trust that chart to the end of the earth! (No offense) But it is only twelve minutes away, so.... hitchhikers guide joke Anyway that's an interesting chart.
  9. Lots of people start threads about their gaming computers that lag horribly.... And how to fix it. Many have several cores and KSP isn't multithreaded... And there might be two different models, because it is most definitely not a laptop.
  10. 1. its not a laptop 2. It isn't used for much else. 3.its not , its right.Plus it was ~30% off when I bought it.
  11. Wow. I got a 350$ HP pavilion a while back, a 70$ grahpcs card, and it runs better than most "gaming" computers of people here on the forums...Don't just limit your search to "gaming" computers!
  12. I could just imagine this happening. On a side note, I probably laughed way more than I should have.
  13. Kerbal space program isn't multithreaded. Most (new-ish) computers have several cores, so it can only use one. Which isn't too much ram.
  14. I think http://www.calctool.org/CALC/phys/astronomy/planet_orbit work, just find the mass of the planet.
  15. Especially fictional futuristic space tech! Welcome!
  16. Ejection seats. On supersonic semi-controlled fireballs. MOST JEB-ISH THING EVER!
  17. Well, I you detonated a nuke in the reactor, than it would be that booing up, nt the reactor. Also, the reactor doesn't contain the critical mass of the uranium, the amount required to react fast enough to create an explosion.
  18. I really don't understand why people are afraid of nuclear weapons. For example during WWII the american thermite bombings in Japan killed several timesmore people than the two atomic bombs combined. Also, how many people would have died if the U.S. Hadn't nuked japan and the war had continued for several more years without a peaceful surrender? And the Cold War. What would've happened between Russia and America if they hadn't been afraid of each others nuclear weapons? Or what if the Nazis had invented before the Americans? What horrors would they have done with it, even worse than those in Asia?
  19. If you're going for realism, at the bottom near the undercarriage. Also do this if you have DR, as the heat shield seems to work better. If you want it to be more stable, put it in the middle of the fuselage or even at the top.
  20. You mean, for the debs to add, not for us to use to simulate Lagrange points.
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