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Everything posted by TechnicalK3rbal

  1. Use asparagus staging, or add clusters of SRB's and stage them at different times to increase your twr throughout the flight. Also, you could launch smaller payloads. Edit:ninja'd
  2. Oops. Low resolution screen + quick glance = weird optical illusion.
  3. So it takes time to send the program, but once it's running, there's no delay, right? Or am I just completely misunderstanding this?
  4. Does it work with Kos? If I add the part to a unmanned(kerballed?) ship, the program will control it?
  5. Nope. It's the shrouds from the Nerva. Try rotating it 90 degrees so they go in different directions.
  6. Everyone else is right, their to weak, (it's better to use a NERVA) and the do have approximately 69 times more thrust than the real one Please correct the math if it's incorrect.
  7. Does the direction of the heat shield on the cfg file ,ake a difference?
  8. Ahh well. It was Jeb. I just terminated it, and he respawned. There went 130 science.
  9. I got it above the surface.. But now I can't control it and physics doesn't affect it. .??
  10. No, I mean the ENtIRE lander is like 20 meters below the surface,
  11. I landed on the Mun, got into orbit, and realized I wasn't coming in at a good angle. (Far, deadly reentry) so i loaded my quick save on the surface of the Mun, and now my lander is BELOW the surface, and I can't click on anything on it, or even control it! Help! Note:I already restarted and reloaded the quick save. I'm willing to edit the save file of someone can tell me how. Mods: Far Deadly reentry tac life support Intertstellar And KW rocketry
  12. Does the direction make a difference? Besides to make the AblativeShielding go away faster/slower?
  13. Is there any way to add ehat shields to other parts? For example, fairings from KW rocketry?
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