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Everything posted by Anquietas314

  1. Well, I've landed on Mun twice and Minmus like 5 times... though Minmus was all in the same mission. The rest's come from contracts lol
  2. It needs to have a probe of some kind on it - a stayputnik counts but be warned it has no SAS or torque, as well as solar panels. Batteries do not count! (Also, don't forget an antenna!) Yeah, I would recommend getting maneuver nodes before attempting satellite contracts, especially if you're not the best pilot. It can be done without them, but it takes a fair bit of skill and you need to understand the navball pretty well . Well, unless you're really good at building rockets, you'll definitely need an upgraded launchpad (and probably the VAB too) to go to the Mun (with a Kerbal). Again it can be done without that, but it's not easy. You should be able to get a probe there much more easily though, which is enough for the contract, but that's not as much fun
  3. "Early" lifter, you say? stick it on a RT10 with the throttle limiter set at like 30-40 (I'm using that still after finishing the tier 2 tech tree... I have the science for tier 3, but not the funds ) The second stage should be the smallest 1.25m (same size as the mk1 command pod) liquid fuel + oxidizer tank with preferably a rockomax 48-7S. It might work with the LV909 but you won't have as much deltaV If you use that, it should be able to fulfil all of the basic satellite contracts around Kerbin, Mun and Minmus. At a stretch Duna and Eve, but really it's way easier just to do loads of the local ones . Obviously if you need to slap a goo canister or materials bay (or both!) on there you're going to need a bigger satellite and launcher
  4. It's worth mentioning that even if wolfram fails to find an analytical solution, doesn't mean there isn't one Also, what exactly are you guys trying to integrate or solve? Between the slightly disjointed posts and the PDF I can't make heads or tails of it
  5. To be honest, even on hard difficulty it's pretty easy to complete the tech tree without even going to any of the new biomes. Right now I'm sitting on 7,600 science and just waiting to upgrade R&D to tier 3; I haven't even sent a science mission beyond Kerbin's SoI. This is mostly without using the "convert money to science" strategy too - in total that only accounts for about 1000 science in my entire save (mostly to boost tech early game)
  6. Uh, 3.75 + 1.25 = 5 (= 1.25x4) mate. The 4.0 one doesn't belong (technically neither does 5.25, but that's at least close)
  7. O.o Probably... but who builds a rover with MK3 parts?! (besides that guy)
  8. I tried DRE in 0.25... to be honest, the heating effect seemed somewhat pointless unless you were being absurdly reckless with your reentry, particularly since most parts could take almost as much heat if not more than the heat shields. It was fun though trying (and failing miserably) to slam into Jool's atmosphere at 30km/s and live to tell the tale Of course, saying that I didn't have FAR as well; perhaps that changes things considerably
  9. It seems to be affected by the scientists, so perhaps that's what their bonus is for? Seems a bit lame to nerf the existing bonuses just to shoehorn a replacement in, but there you go.
  10. Well, I don't see a sticky - or any thread at all on the first page - in either forum that has anything close to that in the title, so I don't see the point of your example. At least if something's stickied in this forum, there's a decent chance they'll notice it between opening the page and clicking the "post new thread" button. If it's in tutorials, they have basically no chance of doing that. If it's somewhere in the giant 35-page sticky on important things to pass on... yeah, I made it as far as page 3 before getting bored with that. Pretty much nobody reads a huge thread all the way through, unless they were participating in it from the start.
  11. Well, there is if you like really complicated maths. Otherwise, alexmoon's calculator
  12. Not necessarily fix it, but you can offset your inclination in such a way that you arrive at your destination It's expensive, but sometimes cheaper than doing a mid-course plane change.
  13. Greep: while that is an easy method, it's certainly not fuel efficient. Doing your transfer while deep in Kerbin's gravity well saves you a fair bit of delta-V, then there's the part about plane change (there are better ways to do that - you ideally want to do most of that in your transfer burn). Plus remember every bit of delta-V in upper stages means a lot of extra fuel earlier on (ion drive aside... that's practically free ) That said, it's nowhere near as bad as the "straight line" method
  14. Move a decent distance away (like 20 meters say, to be safe - it doesn't need to be that much) then try again. Docking ports derp a bit if you try to redock without moving far enough away.
  15. You could just move it far enough down the screen that even with the altimeter fully extended, it doesn't overlap. But then it might overlap the yellow popup text for timewarp and entering/exiting zones and so on....
  16. Nah, they'll be in "world" coordinates of some kind. Usually the conversion to viewport (also culling) coordinates is done using the perspective transform (applied gpu-side by shaders). I should probably have realized the GUI coordinates would use (0,0) as top left . That sounds like the "transform" might just be a variable inherited from a base class that's not actually used, and I'm sure you know what happens when you use those . Have you tried just having "float ybase = 150" or so? That is, a fixed value? You could always just scale it based on the UI scale setting. I'm struggling to find any documentation at all on AltimeterSliderButtons
  17. Not in stock, sadly. You can certainly do that with mods like Karbonite (note, it's not Kerbonite though I suppose that may have been a name idea ) and I think some of the life support mods let you create the various resources on-site. We might see self-sufficient bases in 0.91 though - they're apparently adding "deep space refuelling", whatever that means.
  18. That strategy only gives you a higher % return for landing far from KSC, at the cost of increased launch costs. The thing about tracking devices is just fluff text
  19. Given most people don't seem to actually check that (see number of posts regarding spaceplanes, despite Slashy's tutorial being one of the most active threads there), I think it would probably be better to have it here, stickied.
  20. Hmm okay. I don't know C# (but do know C++/Java), but I think this may be your problem (line 220 of WaypointFlightRenderer.cs): float ybase = Screen.currentResolution.height - Camera.main.ViewportToScreenPoint(asb.transform.position).y + 448; 448 pixels is an awfully long way to move that thing, especially when it's in completely the wrong direction According to unity's documentation, in screen space (0,0) is the bottom left corner and (width,height) is the top right, so you want to do this: float ybase = Camera.main.ViewportToScreenPoint(asb.transform.position).y - (some smaller number); Hopefully that helps The number should be the size of the altimeter UI thingy + a little extra to leave a gap. EDIT: To clarify, the idea is that the altimeter's position already takes screen height into account.
  21. If that's fun for you, then sure I guess you can stick to your current method. If on the other hand you care at all about efficiency, I would highly recommend waiting for the appropriate transfer window and doing the burn from low Kerbin orbit This calculator will let you see the relative costs of choosing to do a transfer at different times (and help you pick a good one - the blue bits are the cheap areas ): http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/
  22. Right now I have: Kerbal Engineer Redux, Kerbal Alarm Clock, Transfer Window Planner (not necessary, but it integrates nicely with KAC - same dev), StageRecovery, In-Flight Waypoints, Stock Bug Fix Modules (Claw's "mod" - it's stickied at the top of addon releases), Procedural Dynamics (aka pWing, for cutting down on wing pieces in bigger spaceplanes). Right now I'm aiming for a "mostly stock" career game though - I'll probably add things like karbonite and do it all over again when I've done everything (perhaps not on hard this time... 6 mil for R&D tier 3 is starting to get boring as hell)
  23. If this was hard mode, you wouldn't even get a cool 2 million for doing it; you'd get like 400k The difficulty part I guess is fair though. I have no idea how I'm going to shift a class B to solar escape velocity (one of my contracts), but I fully expect it'll be a blast
  24. You can actually use fuel lines as a sort of hacky stock hinge. I don't recommend it, but you can do it
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