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Everything posted by Ringkeeper

  1. @Biotronic: just4info , your link https://www.dropbox.com/s/9kcslxvfu6jlg73/TweakScale_1.26.zip gets blocked in downloads in Firefox 34 nightly . IE and Chrome open them normal. If the .zip is moved to an other dropbox account it also works. http://i17.imgup.net/blockesby8030.png So seems something in that link lets firefox nightly think its bad. *edit* it seems if you give it free for others (so it gets /s/ ) then the error happens. if the file is in the folder "public" everything is fine.
  2. but don't look as good as the Munshine lifters The Munshine are more compact. At least in my opinion.
  3. beware what you wish for! With MKS, Karbonite and Interstellar?(dont use that one) you would have alot of ressources/materials to take care off... and i dont think roverdude is done already But as this is the "dream what you would like to have" phase: parts (not all, only the ones which make sence) grabable without depending on KAS . Like MKS tubes, containers , rover camera etc
  4. hmmmm.... i dont like russian style bases much. And your base could use at least some color (that grey is depressing xD ) , but again so far i was using FUSTEK where color is also not present much I can see myself already combining this space station parts with the MKS modules for a nice space station
  5. same here. I put them all on a part with different modes and they work nice. Also the alternative skins work (well, they cant brake much ^^ )
  6. finally Downloading and hoping KAS will work soon again. My MKS base is lost without KAS :/
  7. Go into BoulderCo\ActiveTextureManagerConfigs\Squad.cfg and set enabled to false ^^ easier
  8. No? I have a system with only 4 GB ram and one with 24GB . Guess on which i get crashes if too many mods are loaded? Hint: Not the 4GB one. On the 4GB machine i can run KSP without a single crash the whole day. I never ever had a single crash because of memory problems. And as i said with the 4GB machine i run 34 mods.
  9. x86 is only a problem if you PC has more then 4GB of ram. Otherwise KSP runs with many many mods as it just cant take that much ram . At the moment i have 34 mods including KAS , Kethane, KW, KSO and other parts mods.... and no problem at all. @biohazard15 read couple posts before yours.... KAS NOT working with 64bit and wont happen that fast.
  10. Fan made transalations that are realeased by a company are always a risk, specially if the company has none that can check the translation. And "official" translations are horrible expensive. You can calculate around 0.10 EUR per word for a normal translation. If you start with "not daily words" and technical blabla it goes up ... 0.30 EUR per word and more. How many words has KSP? Furthermore, how easy is KSP to translate? Are variables used all the time or hard-coded descriptions etc? Multiple variables for the same word? Easy to export/import the translations? And it doesn't stop at translation. You should later check grammar and the words combined should make some sence in that language 1 to 1 translation doesn't work. *edit* before the edit: 124 words... so just that post would be 12.40 EUR for translation into 1 language.
  11. as i always get problems with "frozen ships" "exploding ships" "no more moving ships" and so on with the claw bug i stopped using the claw and therefor asteroids all together till it is fixed My save with 3 asteroids put together in Kerbin orbit for a space station waits for the bug fix
  12. had also a frozen Kerbal , the save game edit didn't help. The kerbal fell from a vehicle that drove away underneath him. So i thought he got stuck in the ground which was the case. i had to edit the line: VESSEL { pid = e38083bcc25c40f2acdf16c3b55874b6 name = Tom Kerman type = EVA sit = SUB_ORBITAL landed = False landedAt = splashed = False met = 511.800000476534 lct = 847284.747638996 root = 0 lat = -36.0956503811178 lon = -232.940328659412 [B]alt = [/B]4233.89066030379 to 1 meter higher and the kerbal was free again.
  13. hrmpf.. never played with TAC yet but found your mod and now i'm building my base on Mun But KSP hates me... i get the same problem with your mod as with the claws. Frozen ships. Cant move them anymore and on timewarp selfdestruct Is there a nice way to build the base without the tubes? Can KAS pipes do the job completly with transfering ressources?
  14. nice ship(s) . And easy to fly, even a Apo of 100km is possible at 35km.
  15. do you plan to convert also the gantry to the new models? The original ones are not really useful and always hard to tell which part will move and how to attach things. At least for me. And a "off-switch" would be nice on the parts. So you can have multiple groups with same name but only the active ones move.
  16. Yeah, seems the CLAW causes the problem. On my craft there was a claw before i went back to VAB, removed it and tried again (where the pictures are from). After game exit and restart the rocket flys normal. Seems claw and can dont like each other much^^ *EDIT* Happens now also to ships without a clamp. They just stop responding and if in space the start accelerating like crazy....
  17. no one is foreced to do anything. At least last time i checked no one was standing behind me while i was playing and told me i have to go to mun now. Same with 0.23.5 . Your not forced to do anything with the asteroids. And same will be with contracts. If i dont like them i ignore them
  18. HI, i have a problem with one of my rockets i put together. The rocket can't be launched. With full throttle the rocket just stays where it is on the launch pad. Even after staging till last stage the landing can just hangs in the air . It can't be moved anywhere. Before i put the red tank under the can there was one of the "new" ones. With that the rocket launched but bended at the connection between can/rcs-tank and was not controllable. Link to pictures: https://imgur.com/a/yzmSX#0 Craft file, Mechjeb+KAS used: http://www.ringkeeper.de/test.craft Someone an idea why this happens? Thanks.
  19. this whole (small) station was done with the tug you see on top (its the one from the KSO mod). Docking was no problem at all. Even the long solar panel trusses where the rcs was everything but nice placed. Mechjeb also docks the KSO shuttle perfect to the station. https://imgur.com/a/EtRCb Docking works nice since 2.2
  20. i found this nice mod today and directly have a problem. How do you exit the tower on top to walk over the bridge? You can board it on the bottom but i dont get any crew pictures and therefor can't send them on eva . Or do i oversee something?
  21. did you check the new Robotics parts? The look and function way better then the old ones .. have atm a shuttle arm with them
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