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Everything posted by Tery215

  1. The resolution is a bit squashy on that TV.
  2. Generally features should be introduced with features similar. For instance, you should introduce the varying engines all at once as an "engine update" Or as they did, the "space lab update" adds broken science tools in addition to a science tool fixer.
  3. I've heard a lot of people say that KSP's current game engine thingy, Unity, is sub-optimal and KSP has fairly inferior performance (still great features, though) for a game about rockets. Will KSP swap to another game engine thingy? What game engine thingies could KSP swap to?
  4. More moons, please. Otherwise it's just a small Jool.
  5. Eve. The extreme gravity caused my mod-ship-science-ship-mod-mod-ship-mod to explode, mostly via accelerating it towards the extremely thick atmosphere and it couldn't slow down (it was too high up for parachutes, which I placed on the wrong side)
  6. Any mods that involve mainsails running on self-replenishing miniscule amounts of fuel.
  7. Dressing Kerbals in-game would be a very limited feature, you could only do it inside spacecraft and at Kerbin. (a specific science report says that the atmosphere of Laythe is toxic)
  8. No. There are intense tidal forces near a black hole. Who wants your kerbals to rip to shreds just for visiting one?
  9. It should only be added when/after/if humans figure out a very feasible way to send anything zooming through another planetary system. Fairly in the spirit of things.
  10. Chase - Sandbox Cahier - Career (roughly translates to booklet in french)
  11. Phantom Bodies would theoretically have a radius of 0 and therefore the surface gravity would be the maximum gravity. Also the concept of phantom bodies leaves me to believe they can become giant sinkholes for any debris dropped near them.
  12. I would have to agree, but I wouldn't fear too much as this would obviously(probably) be only for Career mode.
  13. Recently I have been noticing that the folder in the interstellar mod that modifies currently existing solar panels so they emit heat is gone, yet the solar panels emit heat. This is of my concern because I no longer know how to remove solar panel's ability to produce wasteheat, although it is a balancing feature of the mod. So please tell me how to remove wasteheat from solar panels.
  14. I think the suggested system to make slow-mo harder will be less effective when players realize that they can just spam probe cores.
  15. On 3/4ths of the servers I've played on, spam is a problem. Maybe one could vote to make something not private?
  16. I'm quite sure the deadliness of reentry for planets is based entirely on their air pressure. Put one of those barometers on your ship and it'll tell you the pressure.
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