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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Any landing that you don't walk away from is a crash...
  2. That's gonna cost ya, Mr Bezos. A shame, really. But think of all that new data....
  3. Not a bad idea; however, I'm assuming these would be used in remote locations where there is no power grid connection. Granted, the first cargo hauled in could be generators...
  4. I believe that the particles in the hot coolant get sucked toward the hole and gum it up.
  5. Always worked for me... Your mileage may vary....
  6. Is solar power at 23W/g good enough? https://www.nature.com/articles/nmat4388#:~:text=d%2C Power-per-weight,g−1 with PU).
  7. I see, an orange Moon arising.... Wildfires in the area have smoke blowing down the valley, making for an orange moon... Once I saw it, I had to wait to get home to pull out my Canon to get a decent pic, as my phone wouldn't zoom in enough and just showed an bright orange disc. As a result, it wasn't as deeply orange as when I first saw it. Had to play with settings to get a decent exposure. And then I messed around with a really long exposure setting...
  8. My birthday had always been marred by the fact that it is the last possible day for the first day of school to land on in BC. Now I will always remember the date of the Queen's death, for it also happened on my birthday...
  9. Thanks for the vidtweetpost, I had tuned in just in time to see a muted wall of smoke, and had to wait for it to clear to make sure it was still standing… Couldn't scroll back; quicker to find your post than the replay tweet lol
  10. Wow, I heard rumbling on the webs this morning and then heard “God Save The Queen” on the radio (I don’t hear much of the radio here at work, but I heard that!), The Queen is dead, long love the King! She was Queen for as long as my mom could remember…. Sorry, Mr Bernard Shaw, but you have been royally upstaged….
  11. Woot! Hopefully a static fire on my birthday! I wonder how many engines this time...
  12. Nice! Now the fun part: to launch it, and more importantly, to recover it intact so it can fly again...
  13. If it’s still on the pad for Hallowe’en, someone has to paint a jack’o’lantern on the big orange rocket…
  14. 24hrs apart at the Cape. I wonder just how close together they can launch...
  15. Ah, okay, that makes sense. I had looked up the specs at one point and knew it should have only two RAM slots, then saw the TM performance tab and got a little confused. So I was hoping for the best but expecting (or forgetting) the worst. Not so much this time, but it was mandatory on my old laptop to deslugify it. Sometimes I parked it on top of the AC vent when I was launching a challenging part count...
  16. I like to karaoke, and I'm told I'm not half bad at it (does that mean I'm actually all bad?). But I'm not a fan of country music/ Nonetheless, a friend posted a video of her hubby swinging singing a verse of a song I'd never heard before, and took it as a challenge to me. So I had to learn the first part, so she could video my twang , and she giggles every time she watches it. And I'm stuck with that song swinging through my head....
  17. I’m guessing low-light surveillance cameras or night vision goggles could pick it up? Assuming it’s not overwhelmed by other colours? And how far up the ultraviolet is glass transparent?
  18. Happy to say the upgrades went without a hitch, once I finally figured out how exactly those ribbon connectors worked. It sounds great again (it was always much louder than my wife's laptop), 24 GB of RAM installed and working (only 2 RAM slots, although task manager claimed 4), and 1TB of "deep storage" HDD to augment the 256GB SSD it came with (once I found the HDD ribbon cable that came with this specific machine a couple of years ago...). And the fans got blown out.
  19. These things are far too addictive. They make it far too easy for my body to fatten up for the winter... Must be the HFCS Does not contain HFCS! But still 13g sugars per 3 cookies...
  20. Tuned in just in time for the second burn, a few seconds long.... Seeing the booster light up the ocean is almost as good!
  21. Just glue a Bluetooth-enabled sensor to the engine bell, lol. Just kidding, only Bill Kerman would do that….
  22. Riding the winds, land when the atmosphere thins, rise and go somewhere new when it thickens…
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