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Everything posted by MC.STEEL

  1. Why,is he supesed to be? in soviet Russia Stalin is (depends on your point of view,but probably not) bads in kerbal universe Stalin is not
  2. I adore any game that strives for originality and not just BOOM BOOM DEATH DEATH and so on.
  3. This discussion is reaching explosive meltdown. Get it?)
  4. Seriously the chances of us finding a small green race of creatures that are manicaly atracted to space is VERY high (and at least a bunch of them in a googolplex)
  5. NASA`s first models where like that because they didnt know sh*t about how to construct space suits at the time
  6. The fact about nuclear technology being feared is just... ...strange. i mean cars are dangerous why dont we stop using them,fire is dangerous why dont we stop using it SENTIENCE IS DANGEROUS LETS STOP USING IT!!! Its not the technology thats scary, its the stupid and ignorant people that tag it as such.
  7. So people complain about the fact that space sims are prety much dead,Well now they are back more voxely than ever!
  8. how did no one see this... anyway a moon like that already exists its Ike
  9. They are planning such a thing for the research complex,the more you research the more and higher buildings will appear. and probably factory buildings-each can make a part for a set amount of time,the more buildings the faster you stock up on parts. or mutiple VABs assembling a rocket could take some time.
  10. Its a good idea but i dont think they will add such a thing very soon.
  11. Its very sad that something needs to push humanity almost off the edge of comfort before whe do something,whe cant even see farther than our noses because of our greed.
  12. MC.STEEL

    Sims 3

    Never realy liked SIMS but the building creator is fun as hell... they should make a SIMcity where you make the buildings too,that is if EA doesent stop naging Maxis to death PS. i realy want a spore 2
  13. I generaly like electronic music but ill sort it in a scale. [most favourite] electro,dubstep,brostep,glitch hop,industrial(kinda),gamesoundtracks,Hans Zimmer,Savant(yes those two have their own gendres) [likable] rock,metal,heavy metal,most of rap that doesent only sing about guns drugs ect... [anoying to listen to] almost all of pop and the repetetive EDM(the ones that are made to sound at a party not in your headphones) thats my taste of music in a nutshell.
  14. Guys those crazy numbers are just for backing,you back and they give you a bonus you dont have dumb things like montly tax or pay to win. I just wish that they have disk retail versions or im not going to be able to buy it.
  15. Personaly ive never played the game,montly tax subscription i just a bit wrong for me.
  16. Squad knew that a lot of people wouldnt even think of going to the poles so they made them extra interesting.
  17. okay what if we keep the crystal in a vacum and how would a crystal with a low resonance frequency vs a high resonance frequency DakotaSikat thats exactly what i was thinking a oscilation and low frequency also why are we only exploring cristal resonance,arent there more materials that could be used
  18. Well some games have an unusual material like XCOM has Elerium and C&C has tyberium maybe the goo in ksp is that vital plot element of a material. So then it need a name... like KERBIDIUM,no no too generic... or Visciduim.Get it because its a viscous fluid or Limunium from the latin for slime,ah who am i kidding i have no ideas. why dont you post your own sugjestion.
  19. When i was little i payed a LOT of space themed games (or that took place in another planet) i wished of being an astronaut but then i came across the fps genre,then i became a gun nut for quite some time. Until i discovered ksp,the game reignited my interest in space. mostly because i have never stoped being a technomaniac so it was just a matter of time.
  20. awesome art i have one as my wallpaper
  21. just think... one day you could wake up to one of these sights.
  22. I would trow in a conspiracy theory or two but not everyone likes that so my (slightly) more sensible explanation is... is in the human brain and how it is structured,dont realy want to go in dept of it.
  23. So i was thinking the other day and came up with an idea. Resonance is basicaly when a material oscilates and stores kinetic energy (im probably saying something wrong). So why not make a material can store the resonance energy no matter how much you put in it. the pros are that you could probably have a much higher energy density. also you could charge it by shaking. the cons however is that you would have a hard time recovering the energy. the battery(depending on the frequency) could jiggle back and fourth,losing energy. (again i dont realy know if the idea makes any sense at all but thats just how my brain works.)
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