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Everything posted by MC.STEEL

  1. do i have any good sodium jokes Na, i dont have any
  2. nice work,unfortunately i do not have that sort of patience to dock modules with 2-3 or more points
  3. one word Terrarria.. you can play it for some inspiration nice work
  4. delta v is my favourite in all of phisics I write my A's as deltas
  5. Im telling you the ASAS likes dubstep,else why would it ''wobble'' like that.


    The fact that we dont see visitors from the future means that we will probably be smart enought one day to not invent a time machine. ...just sayin. too much paradoxes and wierdness as if the universe isnt created with time travel in mind ps:time machines are one of the few tech i am oposed to
  7. So i have a wacom pen & touch,i am proud of the art i have made with it (might post a few here) but there is a problem,the surface of the tablet is "way" too slippery and i cant get a proper acurate solid stroke.this is inhibiting me from making anything more than lineart,that too gets hard is it from me or is it from the tablet and if so a trick to fix it,or is there a slider that i havnt found yet?
  8. Well i have an acme g-02 (not sure exactly) it works fine with ksp but it has issues with other games not being recognised. i cant realy help you here. oops i thouth game pad not joystick,silly me
  9. I was thinking abot a big weel of a rover but i basically abandoned the idea,little did i know about the awesomesauce i could have built.
  10. lol win but seriously best of luck to India,space is for everyone lets reach it together
  11. How to insult a mathematician; YOUR BRAIN IS ANY X<0!!! btw the last one about scientist heaven was a killer and wadsworth from fallout 3 says a similar joke to 2 and 3... ah the memories
  12. You could try hexels is allows you to make not only pixels but in hexagons,triangles,bick layout and generaly any shape you strike fancy.
  13. What do you expect our whole economy is just that it encourages such company mentality why build a great product,full of new stuph,original and stable/hard to brake when you can make something half baked unoriginal and blow its price up to a quality standart. how it needs to be "harder better faster stronger" -daft punk
  14. idk a saturn V doesent look to cheap to me and its not just cost its efficency why lift all that rocket fuel when you can have a cars fuel tank full of xenon for instance
  15. oh they work perfect but the small detail there is that they are just too expensive
  16. Good luck India! lets hope we get some science from the mystery goo
  17. Well space sims are coming back (surprise!!!) in voxel block based and build with parts variants starmade,blockaderunner,space engineers,ksp(obviously) kinetic void to name some.
  18. COD IS MUCH BETTER THAN THIS ***** ****** C**P!!!11!!!!!11!!!!!!!111!1111!!!!!1111!1!!!!! IT HAS AWFUL GRAPHICS I CNT GET A ROCKET UP IN ORBIT COUSE ITS BROKEN AND GLITCHY NOT LIKE COD ********* FEAR THE POWER OF MUY CAPSLOOOOOOOCK!~!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry just had to troll a bit
  19. So we all know that chemical rockets just arent going to cut it and the space-a-vator seems a little far from reality.So is there a (less loony) way to send things to orbit? fusion rockets advanced plasma propulsion(V.A.S.M.R.)/crazy powerfull ion engines like the one in ksp (it has about 0.50 rl ones have even lower than that) [dont quote me on this] blimps? also does VSMR have a higher TWR than 1
  20. So a word composed of manufacture and factory is it legit and where is it used?
  21. I am well and truly terrified of the ,, One mind'' upgrade but the curiosity is killing me must not.... ....click...
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