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Everything posted by MC.STEEL

  1. I live on th 4rt floor,i can trow a slipper out the window and anyone thats watching out the window could misstake it for a ufo and its technicaly a ufo. moral of the story,dont asume that ufo means alien spacecraft.
  2. They should have computing along the lines of os-kos/komodore-64/kerbiga but they show no signs of using it. BTW. buy a kintendo KES, they have some very lovely space sims!
  3. All i need now is something realy raly simple,want to know what it is Its a 2.5 m hub i fail at station desing without it
  4. so whe could have rudimentary warp drives/wormholes/subspacedrive/phaseshifters that are not capable of anything more that being used as simple toys for a few centuries then the first prototype would be available, then 63~88 years after whe will be colonising Andromeda.(hystory has a tendency to repeat itself after all) as for me i am putting my money on the warpdrive because NASA is allready researching into it and it seems the most versatrille
  5. This is reminds me of programing code. Its interesting but modern languages are made that way because humans like to speak a language that is streamlined and sound good acording to our current sense of what a language should sound like. like look at this -I will walk my dog in 10 minutes. i can say it in one breath and not a single hitch. I walk(future(10 minutes)) dog(I) <--this last i is awquardly stuck together with dog. i suggest my or mine behind it. this breaks the flow^ Overall i dont see the general populace getting a like on this,but i wouldnt mind.
  6. Hello to the S.M.D. this is a repository of all awesome,calming,overview effect inducing,shivers down your spine creating space music that you can enjoy while EVA-ing a kerbal and looking at the vastness of space First; some XCOM soundtrack and a mostly unheard of space rpg called space rangers 2. post your music that you listen to while doing stuff like that.
  7. ahem sorry about the inacuracies there i usualy know this stuph but the moment i put them to use my brain just decides to forget them
  8. Will there be any minigames like playing pool in the astronauth complex? or maybe munar golf?
  9. i am pretty much sure more animations and general polishes(like an animation for entering/exiting vehicles) and such will follow once the games base components are done
  10. this should be made into a toy so that whe can teach kids how awesome science is just think what else sends a clearer message than toys to a 5 year old...
  11. So i know a LOT of people that just freak out about e.m. fields coming from mobile phone computers ect... saying they are dangerous and crap like that i mean where siting on a giant magnet that protects us from nasty cosmic rays and they say electromagnetic waves are dangerous. And i just cant shake the worry out of my head,are they really that dangerous?
  12. DNA has a ''halflife'' of 500 years or so (could be wrong you know) so for something that lived that far of in the past the genetic material will be totaly imposible to recreate whe could however make something from scratch that closely resembles dino's
  13. ok but there has to be a reason to it. maybe x2 science because you get to carry more experiments. but the current science sistem is dubious at best and heres why; kerbal1;Oh look whe found that the mun has 1/6 the gravity of kerbin! kerbal2:thats great its just what i needed to finish my mainsail prototype! i know its alfa but they better change it sooner or later but seriously you should unlock parts by researching them not checking the temperature on Eve. btw; im not pushing anyone its just that its like no one has noticed how ridiculous it is
  14. Exactly my point and plus im not saying it will happen but our ways of thinking will probably change too,slowing reproduction rates even more. Whe will be a bunch of old people that live to 200+ who rely on technology to keep alive(and hopefully look the part) in what,the end of the century? btw this is getting out of topic now
  15. Yes but populations are bound to grind to a halt anytime now, i mean look a japan its already in the future, its overpopulated and its denizens arent really interested in procreation. Once this happens to the entire earth whe just have to cope with the large elder bulge in the population,once that normalises whe would probably even start declining. I just hope that whe dont go entirely just because our grand grand frand...grand childen just wont be in the mood for some quality time.
  16. they could also like some of our inventions... like cupholders for instance
  17. that one was nice why no one but a bannana can fuse barium + two natrium no one can because they are two dufferent metals but then how does a tree grow BaNaNa (i made it from the top of my head i may need to polish it a BIT.)
  18. it would be totaly awesome to land on laythe and view as the evian dust gets picked up by the winds. but i dont think kerbals would sink in the dust but they will someday leave footsteps. BTW; this is for the times of beta when they are finished with base for the game
  19. A giant pinnball machine, imagine a 2km marble bouncing around the belt. it would totaly be the next game to be added in the olimpics
  20. you could coat it in something latex candle wax play-doh clay wrap it around with paper and ducktape take a pick it looks unfinished when its just tin and wires
  21. or imagine if kerbals have a Human space program where they laugh about how strict and concerned with politics and safety whe are how did you make the signs on the stands you used a custom part with the texture right and how did you put kerbal con on the buildings did you add it in later or...
  22. two years ago the arazibriturt empire passed a law to its conquered territories that prohibits them from banning hab-hob rulers from planning colonies a civil war of sutch magnitude erupted that the un-united nonspacefaring races (humans fall in this this category) decided to pass this law early on so that colateral damage is led to a minimum so deadpangod3 you are not only banned but you are on trial with the kargazgro union congratulations (btw i bet the person will consider banning me of lack of punctuation typos and grammar )
  23. MC.STEEL

    Besides KSP...

    idk but id like to give a shoutout to space rangers 2, its an turn based RPG.It has a slightly humurous way of story telling(a major strong point,youd be giggling every second thing you read),theres a metric ton of crap to do,theres a good ship equipment managment sistem,planetary battles, text quests and arcade like shooter minigames. The best? Probably not but its very close to the top,i strongly recommend this game to anyone who likes T.B.RPGs. I normaly disslike turn based but this (along with XCOM e.u.) are one of my favourite games
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