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Everything posted by ModZero

  1. (terrible OT) probably not. It's fixed now, but a protocol-less URL looks just the same as a relative URL, and all KerbalStuff links end with a "/", so when you have a protocol-less link in that field, the browsers mash the two together. No good way of fixing that, except maybe reminding modders to put that in (as I've seen the issue multiple times). Anyhow, it's a terrible OT, so I'll shut up about it now.
  2. Like pretty much every second Kerbal Stuff project I've seen, your website link there points back at the same page, instead of the forum (if it's like in any other site I've seen this problem, you have to remember about putting the "http://" at the beginning of the link. But I don't have kerbalstuff account, so I'm just guessing).
  3. Yes. Another Githubber popped up after I reported my lazy tests, and peeked into the BaseConverter code (wait, source code of KSP is available?). Turns out BaseConverter activates everything on the part it's on while it's starting (my vague memory tells me that OnStart is called on launch and load). shadowmage45 said - they're using a lot of fused parts - that it's triggering parachutes too, for example. They're also trying to fix this by doing some moderately questionable stuff to ModuleLifeSupport. EDIT: Hey, is there a way to drop the engine that would keep the engines retracted? It's not much, but it would make for a slightly better look, and dropping engines lets me survive until the issue is fixed (somehow) (or until forever).
  4. While that's not exactly accurate, all my Vostoks had only 2 verniers on the upper stage. Also I kinda like the idea of requiring an upgrade of the launch pad before the 1st orbital mission - though arguably that's something that *really* asks for the missing barn stage.
  5. It's reported already, and I remember RoverDude acknowledging it ages ago, but he seems kinda busy with MKS right now. It's definitely triggered by USI's presence. BDAnimation etc unrelated. EDIT: So, I made a silly experiment. I'm too lazy/sleepy/something to actually properly code, but I did peek into sources, and noticed ModuleLifeSupport inherits from BaseConverter. I'm too lazy/sleepy/something to actually check, I just assumed that the stock ModuleResourceConverter also inherits from it. So, after checking that removing the file "fixes" the bug, I did this, removed USI-LS completely, and sure enough, bug's back. So, good news everyone! It's a stock bug!
  6. I agree, actually - especially as ADN is a relatively uncommon mod. Maybe you already know it, but the docking node type is "just" a string (I remember someone explaining that IACBM nodes in another mod just use iacbm_025 or something like that). ADN is much more configurable, and allows gendered ports, but that's already a big win.
  7. There's a mod that does that relatively well, and allows non-androgynous solutions. It's AdaptiveDockingNode, and it's used by Kip Engineering. I actually made a config set for Tantares a while ago, but I suspect it wouldn't work anymore (it's *somewhere* in this thread, but I can't find the gist on my github, so I must have posted it without being logged in :-/). EDIT: Ah, can't find mine, maybe I just imagined it. But here's CaptRobau's:
  8. Note that MRS and all relevant Nertea's mods (Space Station Parts Expansion and Near Future Spacecraft, not sure about structurals) also provide CLS configurations. And here is my overly-permissive Taurus HCV config (overly permissive, because I pretend the separator is pressurized, and heatshield has a TKS hatch in it - but one could require EVA transfers between the capsule and whatever's behind it - or an Apollo style maneuver).
  9. At least KeepFit now uses CLS to find the best "accessible" part on the craft. Not sure if one mod is reason enough to keep things separate, but it's some thing to consider.
  10. Off-Topic, basically I just did a "I don't want to be X but I'll totally be X". Sorry! That is great news!
  11. Wait, that's OT, but does that mean that between this and MM, OPM doesn't actually *need* to overwrite PlanetShine's CelestialBodies.cfg?
  12. Technically I suppose it's because they had all this "vacation" and "party" stuff n'all. The monsters.
  13. Not really surprising. OPM already makes it hard to stuff a mod and a half besides it. I'd wager that more planets (and more detailed planets) is dependent on 64 bit. Also on money to hire 64 designers.
  14. Ah, it wasn't my issue (as I said, I use Taurus, but I didn't get to it in career anyway), but I remember it from reports by other people (including you acknowledging it, with a mention that you have an idea because it was similar to something, I think EPL? - unfortunately can't find the post right now). I kinda assumed it was filed somewhere, but it ain't. Anyhow, I went ahead and did a basic test, which resulted in a issue filed: https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI-LS/issues/7. HtH.
  15. Excuse me. Quite a few of people here got emotional. Which is fine. We're either human, Kerbals or sentient supercomputers amusing themselves by moderating game forums. All of these have emotions, like "some person claiming that making a vague allusion to a long-known issue constitutes a friendly heads-up is kinda jarring and spoiling my groove", for example. Nothing wrong with that.
  16. Taurus HCV has a monopropellant "launch escape system" slash landing assistance engines. Those get triggered on launch if USI-LS is present. RoverDude knows about that. /me isn't bothered, because /me is very slow in career and this is an alpha anyway.
  17. The Taurus HCV thing is known. It actually gets even more fun with new BDAnimations module. Also, RoverDune, please please update the version in the thread title? Now I worry I missed an update all the time :<
  18. Hey Nertea, are the Assembly-CSharp, UnityEngine and TrackIRUnity dlls in heatcontrol in your last download intentional?
  19. Yes, but the (still) empty nodes they depend on won't – that's why CCT went this way.
  20. This is going to cause so many support questions: it's because nothing you have (or I know of, TBH) does "simple command capsules", and while the tree allows the empty nodes to be hidden, it doesn't hide the arrows. The other nodes all use "one of", so it's not a problem for the user (the mods are responsible for enabling empty nodes that they depend on)
  21. "New", like in "nu metal", except Ferram4 might kill me for the comparison if he's too metal for it.
  22. Seriously, go look up how a NERVA works before you bash people. And IIRC NFTs LV-N MM patch also went for liquid hydrogen. Like, go to the wiki, it has awesome schematics. Those fuel rods? That's the "magic". And that's also where the huge bulb on LV-N comes from.
  23. That will teach me to skip quoting – I was answering why it doesn't need electric power (maybe apart from ignition). I don't think the presence of the alternator changes all that much anyway :-) btw, it does have a turbine (for pumps), actually, so it totally could make a bit of electricity. Googling suggests a part of th exhaust was redirected.
  24. The idea is that the engine contains a reactor (that only makes heat that's not harvested into electricity). Considering how it's done, it would be hard to get any power *from* it, though.
  25. Well, that's apparently what he has. /me grabs his coat.
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