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Everything posted by Taki117

  1. No worries. I've already made some progress, but it involves deleting the other tech tree configs in KSPIE, if I can figure out how to stop them from loading I can pass the config on to you so you don't have to start from scratch and instead just adjust the node positions so it looks good.
  2. I'll do some more testing to see of I can't fix it. Pulled the SimplexTechTree folder out of the AngleCan folder since AngleCan isn't needed, but MM does have a provision to load one mod after another. Step 1 was to get them to show up at the same time. Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit!
  3. @theJesuitI DID IT! Got the two to integrate. It needs help because it looks terrible (Since its positions are based off of the stock tech tree) but it functions. Here's the config I created to make it work. You probably know more about what needs to be adjusted than I do, I've also included a screenshot of the tech tree so you can see what's going on. STT Config for KSPIE
  4. Out of curiosity, how does this mod modify the stock tech tree? I've been playing with the Simplex Tech Tree (that uses stock nodes) and the KSPIE part of the Tech Tree doesn't seem to integrate at all. I see there are MM configs for Engineering Tech Tree and the Community Tech Tree and I was curious if I could take those, modify them a bit, and make them work with Simplex Tech Tree
  5. Works fine with the Stock Tech Tree, and doesn't appear to require CTT at all. I'll do some more digging and see if I can't find a config or something that I can change.
  6. I don't understand why it doesn't integrate itself, you're using stock nodes, so It should just attach itself to the Nuclear Power node and go from there. Perhaps that's a question for that thread.
  7. Just out of curiosity, would it be possible to integrate KSPI Extended into this tech tree? I'm not sure how or why it's not already, but I think integration would be awesome. Also, as a suggestion: Why not make the different mod integration separate config files?
  8. You need to also delete the KopernicusExpansion folder from your Gamedata. The updated Kopernicus seems to have the necessary code already in it.
  9. It's been at least 2 months without activity, I'd love to see this continued, but I don't have the know-how to do it. Worst case, I use the parts without the plugin. (the Mk 1-2 Heatshield is a god-send)
  10. I am happy to report that this mod still works wonderfully in 1.6.1. Thank you for all your hard work @NavyFish
  11. yes. 1.6.1 was released on the 9th, good news is there doesn't seem to be any major code changes, so just a recompile should work.
  12. Can Confirm not working in 1.6.1. The parts show up, but the plugin doesn't work. This is a sad day.
  13. It seems to work fine in 1.6 (At least the "dev" version does) How does one use this mod? Is it simply a plug, play, and fly, or is there something the average user needs to keep an eye out for? @Eaten by Black Hole What values do you have to change for the EVE clouds? I'm using Astronomer's pack, so I'd like the clouds and auroras to line up correctly.
  14. I am happy to report that this appears to work perfectly in KSP 1.6.1
  15. I feel bad for asking, but is this going to be updated to 1.6.1? I would really like to use it for the Historical Progression Tech Tree.
  16. What do I delete to get just the parts from this mod? This seems to be the only one with the parts I need/want, but I don't want all the extra realism stuff.
  17. Greetings! Recently discovered this mod, and after installing both it and Tantares, I get an error with MM 3.0.4 with the Tantares_old.cfg. I have already done the fix suggested by @fast_de_la_speed and @Lechrenski to no avail. Anything else I could try?
  18. I thought there was an option in the settings menu to turn off the telemetry requirement.
  19. Oh my yes! I will test this with SSRSS as soon as I can! EDIT: OMG IT TOTALLY WORKS! Even with nearly 3 gigs of mods it works beautifully, thank you sir!
  20. @RealGecko I went digging through the SSRSS folders and discovered that it changes the launch site name, for example, the default KSC is renamed to us_cape_canaveral. I don't know if this helps with troubleshooting why it doesn't work with SSRSS, but it's a start.
  21. So, I decided to start a sort of Tutoral/Let's play series on youtube. The first 5 episodes are up with more on the way! Join me as I reach for the stars, and if you're not careful you just might learn something! Here's the first episode:
  22. Question: is there a way to add science definitions to the cameras? I know L-tech did it a long time ago, but that mods seems abandoned. I was curious if you could just take that config and use it with this mod.
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