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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. thread of mine from a month or 2 ago has good dialogue on the subject. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77306-Opinion-from-roleplayers-Does-the-LV-N-release-radioactive-exhaust
  2. You know you're a noob in KSP when you cant get anywhere without mechjeb.
  3. prediction? next-next tuesday. the devnotes have been progressing well. this week i am hoping to hear that e word (expirementals), and thusly the week after that might be release.
  4. ive had trouble in the past where the ejectable shields knock off other engines. any such issue?
  5. perhaps a pop up could come up, something along the lines of: "are you sure you want to post in this thread? the most recent post is _______days/months/years old"
  6. just tap the keys mate. EVA is easy if you arent holding down the keys.
  7. protip: try playing with the maneuver node on your own. it will improve your ability as a player Edit: this isnt an anti MJ slam or anything, but try placing a node and dragging the dials. you will learn from it.
  8. i need your advice for multi-port docking. basically my question is: HOW DO?
  9. i just want to be able to jump on the mun and do a front flip.
  11. Jav, in what way is your idea different then contracts? more structured? would each task need to be done seperately or can i start the program and land/return right off the bat. cuz as ive understood it, the devs are making contracts optional, so you can play the way you want to. would your programs be optional?
  12. i think some of the killstreaks are underpowered and could use a buff. they havent been changed since 0.31
  13. does the kas anchor have any stretch? id just be worried that right after a burn it would slingshot into your rear end
  14. other than your claim about gp2 (which i am filing away mentally as misinformation to sell to the north korean space agency) i too am looking forward to .24! i play in bursts around update releases, and when they mentioned experimentals in the tuesday dev notes a couple weeks ago, i got all my kerbals back ground side. now i see that was premature, but oh well *shrug*
  15. yeah thats really cool stuff in real life too! at 1:10 is the shortest takeoff ive ever seen a plane that size do. and at 1.30 you can see how not to do a rocket assisted landing with a c-130 lol
  16. so according to your link, most efficient departure time can be explained by using a clock metaphor. with kerbol in the middle of the "clock" and kerbin at the 6, depart for duna when it is at 4 o'clock. then with kerbin again at our imaginary 6 o'clock, what "time" would you want to launch for eve or jool? seeing as their orbits are mostly circular, it should work the same right? minor adjustments for eves inclination of course edit: further review of the thread indicated by OP shows "4:30" as a better launch time for duna. gotta be precise
  17. i thought docking with a asteroid in kerbolar orbit was hard, so i imagine the same for docking with a station. good luck op. as for advantages, using it as a fueling station would mean you dont need to retro-burn to get into orbit(thus wasting dv) around another planet, but i cant imagine the wait times required for it
  18. if a kerbal ever broke or toppled one of my ships because of some AI thing, i would uninstall. this is the worst idea ive ever read on the forums here. not trying to attack you personally lol, but no. please no.
  19. play with legos and fircrackers at the same time. dangerous in an enclosed cabin yes, but they do so love those little bangs....
  20. vexx had better catch up. you guys make threads faster than he can lock them lol
  21. if you use mechjeb to get to the mun and back, and post it here, i will decry you as a liar. you did not complete the mission. mechjeb did. play the game as you want, but do not claim MJ's achievements as your own. you would deserve no credit at all for that.
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