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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. i would like 1 more, but any more than that and the whole system will be really crowded.
  2. basicaly that. "ok my ship has enough dv to get to dres and back, mission accomplished" how is it fun if you already know youre going guaranteed to make it?
  3. would you like to close the program without saving? are you sure? are you sure you are sure? are you sure you are sure you are sure? if you ever arent sure about a deletion, click fly instead to double check, or set up a fresh f5 before your orbital cleanup
  4. maybe im alone but i think docking is fun. id just say give it a shot sometime(unless you already have, or dont, play how you want, just sayin). apollo style missions are exciting
  5. if its a matter of priority i would rank it like so -career -finish biomes -fix stock aerodynamics -polish the game up(your dv counter thingy, iva for all cockpits, BUG CRUSHING) -multiplayer support and assorted parts throughout. then v1.0 but im sure that isnt how others see it. kmp isnt for me so i could do without but hey
  6. that thread would have been locked imeadiatly, so good idea. updates are usually* 3-4 months apart *sometimes
  7. oh pardon me, terribly sorry. actually doing calculations or looking at numbers doesnt fit with how i see kerbals. i place a node, drag dials till it does what i want it to, and launch. seems more "kerbal" to me. if in the vab or in orbit i already know my craft can make it to duna and back that takes away the excitement from the game for me. thats my opinon.
  8. he already got your money ha. im not appealing to authority. its harvesters game and he will make it how he wants it to be. this dv counter idea doesnt seem to fit his vision for a final product, but he knows people will want it, hence the space port and an acceptance of the modding comunity.
  9. EDIT: for your idea of good gameplay. majority means nothing it seems to fit harvesters idea of good gameplay
  10. finally got an asteriod in deep space, got it to kerbin, got an almost circular orbit. so i try to time warp to the sunny side of the planet for a screenshot, and lo and behold, my craft is locked on the darkside, literaly locked in place in space, and whilst still non-physical time warping, my periapsis is dropping to below atmosphere. i didnt have enough fuel to save it and it landed in the desert
  11. I have a JATO(jet assisted take-off) sub-assembly. jetfuel tank,ram intake,turbojet, mounted on a radial decoupler, with a big thick ibeam to tip it away from the rocket on release.
  12. alot of people wanted mineable resources ingame and thankfully the devs aborted that operation.
  13. EDIT: as stated above however, the devs vision for the game might change. EDIT2: sorry on the double post
  14. again, for some(including harv) adding a dv indicator would be dissapointing. the clear choice is to leave it optional as it already is, as a mod
  15. nice. Welcome to the club i guess haha?
  16. all that really matters is harvester said he doesn't want it in the stock game.
  17. >similar number of forum posts to me >forum member for a month >just got the game I are confused
  18. isnt colliding with a planet or moon technically an acceleration?
  19. if descent speed is > 700 m/s AND altitude is < 2000m then "KERBAL SCREAM"=1
  20. before someone gasps "AHH NECRO" this thread is still entirely relevant, and hasnt ran its course yet. More EVA activities would be wonderful. i think that there should be another science module, similar to the sci lab jr, that requires eva to do the experiment. it should be repeatable (in orbit, landed on a surface, no lab reset needed.) this would increase the use for eva to slightly more than the "land-report-surface sample-flag-liftoff". id like to have reason to stay on duna more than 2 minutes. probes of course could not use that experiment.
  21. landed a mun lander, 1 man capsule with x6 radial tanks and lvt45 engines. on landing i knocked one off. so i carfully retracted my gear opposite the lost engine, and did a quick hop to knock off the other engine to regain symetry. burned up and away as soon as it broke off and got home safe
  22. i got a shrek mod for goat simulator. it wouldnt even load the game crashes when you load the shrek model.
  23. i play all stock and have never done any caluclations. theres no need to. 3nukes, 3 of the thin 360 tanks, and an orange tank can get a medium lander anywhere and back.
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