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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. since nodes save now, i dont see why not. better multi mission planning that way. perhaps a visible count down for eached placed node too?
  2. ive always wanted a sample scoop for rovers. it could be modeled just like the yellow ladder but with no rungs. it dips into the ground and then retracts
  3. mun science lab, and matching science rover http://imgur.com/a/GGxWd
  4. What extra-curricular activities have you used the klaw for? I just finished a Mun SCIENCE base + SCIENCE rover. the bottom of the base has Klaws to grab the rover and scrub the goo/bay for reuse: http://imgur.com/a/GGxWd I found this generally easier than trying to dock a rover.
  5. yeah only one for now, cant wait untill i can send dedicated icecap missions
  6. I was wondering what level of terrain scatter is the actual "canon" level? for example is duna a red sandy desert with a few sparse rocks? or is it a rocky wasteland of stone and some red soil? WHAT IS THE TRUTH? and what scatter level do you play with?
  7. it will, but i agree. all engine sizes have their uses. dont need a 3.75m rocket to launch a medium lko sat
  8. that happens to me occasionaly. i imagine server maintenance is done late at night
  9. anyone think the new joints are too strong? i had a lander+cm launch without any struts between them, and the standard docking port holding them together was at a 90 deg angle without breaking.
  10. ugh, if i had a dollar for every time i shift+tabbed to the steam browser for forum tips and activated my engines, id own Rockomax.
  11. a shovel animation for ground based sampling! or just picking up a rock.
  12. i think once all bodies have biomes, the science points required per node will raise greatly to balance it out.
  13. do kerbals have blood? or just green dust spores in them?
  14. well i imagine if they ever give rovers an expanded science role, they will expand the rover parts. same if they do new aerodynamics we would get better plane parts
  15. what are your system specs? becuse there were multiple forum posts commending squad on the performance enhancements. 23.5 runs better than any previous version, and eliminated the ocean lag some complained about. its ran perfect for me since i built my new rig in december.
  16. umm.....23.5 came out a week and a half ago. i hadnt played since december, and i didnt want to start untill a new update was out. it can be a pain starting the career over again, but give it a shot man. EDIT: the new parts are pretty freakin cool
  17. you want to make it impossible to clear the techtree in as few flights as possible, by limiting the amount of parts? my goal is always to do it as fast as i can so i can get to actualy play lol
  18. where do the kerbals sit if theres a tank in their lander can?
  19. cliping 2 tanks inside of eachother results in a shorter rocket, making it more stable, when it should be long and unwieldy.
  20. thats what im saying, a door hinge is the simplest pivot, it only moves on 1 axis.
  21. Squad is supposed to be in that ivory tower. they will sit on their throne, and read posts from the peasantry, might take a few of the suggestions and consider the feedback, but at the end of the day its their kingdom. and they will make the game they want. we bought it under their terms after all. if every single forum user posted they wanted a 5 kerbal command pod, and support was unanimous for it, they are still under no obligation to impliment it ever. maybe its not their vision for the game. and their vision should be what ends up being realized in the end. they have worked dang hard since ksp's conception to give us what we have now. And i thank them for it!
  22. that would make the sense of awe as you actually see the real deal so much greater! love it!
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